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"Heal Thyself": Managing Health Care Reform |
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Health Care: A Community Concern? |
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University of Calgary Press
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A Very Remarkable Sickness: Epidemics in the Petit Nord, 1670 to 1846 |
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University of Manitoba Press
Bloody Practice: Doctoring in the Cariboo and Around the World |
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Caitlin Press
Colonizing Bodies: Aboriginal Health and Healing in British Columbia 1900-50 |
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Partnering and Health Development: The Kathmandu Connection |
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University of Calgary Press
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Heritage House Publishing
Medicine That Walks: Disease, Medicine, and Canadian Plains Native People, 1880-1940 |
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University of Toronto Press
Medicine That Walks: Disease, Medicine, and Canadian Plains Native People, 1880-1940 |
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University of Toronto Press
At Home with the Bella Coola Indians: TF McIlwraith's Field Letters, 1922–4 |
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UBC Press
Look to This Day: A Complete Guide to Health and Well-Being in Your Later Years |
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Key Porter Books
Into the Daylight: A Wholistic Approach to Healing |
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University of Toronto Press
Into the Daylight: A Wholistic Approach to Healing |
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University of Toronto Press
Feel Fantastic: Maye Musk's Good Health Clinic |
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Macmillan Canada
Dr. Fred and the Spanish Lady: Fighting the Killer Flu |
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Heritage House Publishing
Bad Blood: The Tragedy of the Canadian Tainted Blood Scandal |
Parsons, Vic.
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Lester Publishing
Operating in the Dark: The Accountability Crisis in Canada's Health Care System |
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Doubleday Canada
Beyond Their Years: Five Native Women's Stories |
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Canadian Scholar's Press
First Do No Harm: Making Sense of Canadian Health Reform |
Sullivan, Terrence, and Patricia M. Baranek.
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Malcolm Lester & Associates
Clear Answers: The Economics and Politics of For-Profit Medicine |
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Duval House Publishing
Fighting Firewater Fictions: Moving Beyond the Disease Model of Alcoholism in First Nations |
Thatcher, Richard W.
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University of Toronto Press
Fighting Firewater Fictions: Moving Beyond the Disease Model of Alcoholism in First Nations |
Thatcher, Richard W.
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University of Toronto Press