Heavy Traffic: Deregulation, Trade, and Transformation in North American Trucking |
Madar, Daniel R.
2000 |
UBC Press
Swissair Down |
Ledger, Don.
2000 |
Nimbus Publishing
Trucking North on Canada's Mackenzie Highway |
Hursey, Roberta L.
2000 |
Detselig Enterprises
The Canoe in Canadian Cultures |
1999 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
Iron and Steam: A History of the Locomotive and Railway Car Builders of Toronto |
Ashdown, Dana William.
1999 |
Robin Brass Studio
Equalization: Its Contribution to Canada's Economic and Fiscal Progress |
1998 |
Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
Come Quick, Danger: A History of Marine Radio in Canada |
Dubreuil, Stephan.
1998 |
Canadian Government
Equalization: Its Contribution to Canada's Economic and Fiscal Progress |
1998 |
Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
Flying Colours |
Pigott, Peter.
1997 |
Douglas & McIntyre
The Lindbergh of Canada: The Erroll Boyd Story |
Smyth, Ross.
1997 |
General Store Publishing House
Northern Steamboats: Timiskaming, Nipissing, and Abitibi |
Tatley, Richard.
1996 |
The Boston Mills Press
A Thousand Blunders: The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway and Northern British Columbia |
Leonard, Frank.
1996 |
UBC Press
Yukon Riverboat Days |
Yardley, Joyce.
1996 |
Hancock House Publishers
The Timiskawa Navigator: Lake Timiskaming/Ottawa River |
Gray, Doug, and Peggy Gray.
1995 |
General Store Publishing House
Essays in Canadian Surface Transportation |
1995 |
The Fraser Institute