Search Results

317 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
1982 Manitoba School Library Audio Visual Association
Mason, Ruth 1982 Hounslow Press
1982 Wedge
Beastall, Jack, and Hilda Beastall 1982 Sono Nis Press
1982 Highway Book Shop
Statistics Canada 1983 Minister of Supply and Services Canada
Baird, Elizabeth 1984 James Lorimer & Co.
Harris, Catherine 1984 Macmillan of Canada
Stern, Bonnie 1984 Totem Books
Wylie, Betty Jane 1984 Oxford University Press
Harris, Lorraine 1984 Hancock House
Harris, Lorraine 1984 Hancock House
Adams, Norman 1985 Methuen Publications
McDaniel, Neil, and David W. Griffiths 1985 Panorama Publications
Wershler, Terri 1985 Douglas & McIntyre
Neel, Boyd 1985 University of Toronto Press
1985 Canadian Musical Heritage Society
Chang, Ginger 1985 Hancock House
McClement, Donna 1985 McClelland & Stewart
Twigg, Alan 1986 Harbour Publishing
Jennings, Marilyn 1986 MCV Publishing
Overbury, Stephen 1986 Methuen Publications
1986 Centax of Canada
Hill, Cecil 1987 Detselig Enterprises
Restino, Susan 1987 Key Porter Books