Creating a New Enterprise


122 pages
Contains Illustrations, Index
ISBN 0-7715-0794-1




Reviewed by Ruth Kennedy

Ruth Kennedy was a librarian and fitness instructor in Islington, Ontario.


The basics of starting your own business are taught in simple English in this softbound, large-format textbook. Although written in the United States, it has Canadian content. Canadian statistics are used, plus lists of Canadian magazines on various subjects. The information contained is probably applicable to any country. With 50 per cent of new businesses failing each year, the probable cause is usually ignorance of the information discussed here.

The book is set up for easy use. Headings are in red, facts are numbered, illustrations and diagrams are clear. Space is included to write in your own answers.

From the time the potential entrepreneur begins to consider going it alone, there are lists of questions to consider. Personal qualifications needed, kinds of businesses to consider, creating your own, buying an established concern, problems of franchising, locations, marketing, financial requirements, legal problems, etc., are just some of the important information discussed.

Part of the package (not seen by this reviewer) are a teacher’s manual (same title, $5.80), plus film-strips and cassettes (“Discovering Entrepreneurship,” $230.50).


Hutt, Roger W., “Creating a New Enterprise,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed March 13, 2025,