Glossary: Staffing |
1982 |
Translation Bureau, Secretary of State Department
Glossary: Social Services |
1983 |
Translation Bureau, Secretary of State Department
Glossary: Records Management |
1983 |
Translation Bureau, Secretary of State Department
Glossary: Postsecondary Education |
1983 |
Translation Bureau, Secretary of State Department
Glossary: Management |
1983 |
Translation Bureau, Secretary of State Department
Glossary: Hotel Industry |
1983 |
Translation Bureau, Secretary of State Department
Glossary: Finance |
1983 |
Translation Bureau, Secretary of State Department
Glossary: Electronic Data Processing |
1982 |
Translation Bureau, Secretary of State Department
Glossary: Economics |
1983 |
Translation Bureau, Secretary of State Department
Glossary: Classification and Pay |
1983 |
Translation Bureau, Secretary of State Department
Glossary: Accounting |
1983 |
Translation Bureau, Secretary of State Department
Encyclopedia of Newfoundland and Labrador, Volume Two: Joseph R. Smallwood, Catherine F. Horan, Robert D.W. Pitt, and Bertram G. Riggs |
1984 |
Newfoundland Book Publishers
Directory of Alcohol and Drug Treatment Resources in Ontario, 1984 |
1984 |
Addiction Research Foundation
Canadian Almanac & Directory 1984: Susan Bracken |
1984 |
Copp Clark Pitman
Sport and Recreation for the Disabled/Sport et loisirs pour handicapes: An Index of Resource Materials/Un repertoire de la litterature |
1984 |
Sport Information Resource Centre
Index to Municipal Data 1982 |
1983 |
Minister of Supply and Services Canada
Film Canadiana 1980-1982: A Catalogue of Films Produced in Canada in 1980, 1981 and 1982 |
1984 |
National Film Board of Canada
Canadian Books in Print: Subject Index, 1983/84 |
1984 |
University of Toronto Press
Canadian Books in Print: Author and Title Index, 1983/84 |
1984 |
University of Toronto Press
The Homeowner's Handbook |
1985 |
Summerhill Press
Shocked and Appalled: A Century of Letters to The Globe and Mail |
1985 |
Lester & Orpen Dennys
Proceedings of Communications in the 80's: Major Issues, April 29-May 1, 1984 |
1985 |
Communications Studies Program, University of Calgary
Okanagan Valley |
1985 |
Heritage House
The New Canadian Oxford Atlas |
1984 |
Oxford University Press
Index to Federal Programs and Services 1985 |
1985 |
Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Supply and Services Canada