A Guide to Fundy National Park |
Burzynski, Michael
1985 |
Douglas & McIntyre in co-operation with Parks Canada and the Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Supply and Services Canada
The New North: An Account of a Woman's 1908 Journey through Canada to the Arctic |
Cameron, Agnes Deans
1986 |
Western Producer Prairie Books
The Victoria Guide Book |
Campbell, Betty
1982 |
Campbell's Publishing
The Toy Report 1986 |
Canadian Toy Testing Council
1985 |
Fitzhenry & Whiteside
Canadian Selection: Books and Periodicals for Libraries |
Cariou, Mavis, Sandra J. Cox, and Alvan Bregman, comps
1985 |
University of Toronto Press
Wills for Ontario: How to Make Your Own Will |
Caroe, Laurence C.
1984 |
International Self-Counsel Press
Inspecting a House |
Carson, Alan, and Robert Dunlop
1986 |
Inspecting a House: A Guide for Buyers, Owners and Renovators |
Carson, Alan, and Robert Dunlop
1982 |
General Publishing
Financial Freedom on $5 a Day: A Step-By-Step Strategy for Small Investors |
Chakrapani, C.
1984 |
International Self-Counsel Press
Help! For Small Press People |
Clifton, Merritt
1985 |
Libraries and the Law: What You Need to Know about Laws Relating to Ontario Public Libraries |
Coghlan, Sam, and Stephen Cummings
1985 |
Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Culture
Of Dutch Ways |
Colijn, Helen
1984 |
Paideia Press
Canadian Literary Landmarks |
Colombo, John Robert
1984 |
Hounslow Press
A Practical Guide to Financial Management: Tips and Techniques for the Non-Financial Manager |
Coltman, Michael M.
1984 |
International Self-Counsel Press
The Newsmongers: How the Media Distort the Political News |
Comber, Mary Anne, and Robert S. Mayne
1986 |
McClelland & Stewart
Scenic Rail Guide to Western Canada: With Connecting Road Routes |
Coo, Bill
1982 |
Greey de Pencier Books
AACR 2 Decisions and Rule Interpretations |
Cook, C. Donald, and Glenna E. Stevens
1982 |
Canadian Library Association
The Canadian Military Experience 1867-1983: A Bibliography |
Cooke, O.A.
1984 |
Directorate of History, Department of National Defence
The Stoddart Visual Dictionary |
Corbeil, Jean-Claude
1986 |
Resources for Native Peoples Studies |
Corley, Nora T.
1984 |
Resources Survey Division, Collections Development Branch, National Library of Canada
Basic Accounting for the Small Business: Simple, Foolproof Techniques for Keeping Your Books Straight and Staying Out of Trouble |
Cornish, Clive G.
1987 |
International Self-Counsel Press
Your Money and How to Keep It |
Costello, Brian
1984 |
Living Details: more than 500 ways to make a house of apartment a home |
Cowan, Thomas
1986 |
The Canadian Landscape and Garden History Directory |
Crawford, Pleasance, and Sue Donaldson
1984 |
Faculty of Environmental Design, University of Calgary
Newsworthy: The Lives of Media Women |
Crean, Susan
1985 |