Making Sense of Christian Faith: Understood, Challenged, and Lived |
Shepherd, Victor
1987 |
G.R. Welch Company
The Mental Philosophy of John Henry Newman |
Newman, Jay
1986 |
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Making Sense of Life |
MacRae, Andrew D.
1987 |
G.R. Welch Company
Law, Freedom, and Story: The Role of Narrative in Therapy |
Hoffman, John C.
1986 |
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Towering Truths for Troubled Times |
Denning, Harry
1987 |
G.R. Welch Company
Reasons to be Moral |
Black, Sam and Evan Tiffany
2010 |
University of Calgary Press
Red Nest |
Jerome, Gillian
2009 |
Nightwood Editions
Ideas on the Nature of Science |
2009 |
Goose Lane Editions
The Technological Imperative in Canada: An Intellectual History. |
Francis, R. Douglas.
2009 |
UBC Press
The Uses and Abuses of History. |
Macmillan, Margaret.
2008 |
Viking Canada
Who Is This "We"?: Absence of Community |
1994 |
Black Rose Books
Landscapes of the Interior: Re-Explorations of Nature and the Human Spirit |
Gayton, Don.
1996 |
New Society Publishers
Simplicity: Notes, Stories and Exercises for Developing Unimaginable Wealth |
Burch, Mark A.
1995 |
New Society Publishers
Holding One's Time in Thought: The Political Philosophy of WJ Stankiewicz |
1997 |
Ronsdale Press
Wisdom, Ignorance and Virtue: New Essays in Socratic Studies |
1997 |
Academic Printing and Publishing
The Birth of Reason |
Dudek, Louis.
1994 |
DC Books
Twentieth Century Theories of Art |
1990 |
Carleton University Press
A Poetics of Social Work: Personal Agency and Social Transformation in Canada, 1920-1939 |
Moffatt, Ken.
2001 |
University of Toronto Press
The Poem of Empedocles: A Text and Translation and with an Introduction by Brad Inwood. Rev. ed. |
Poem of
2001 |
University of Toronto Press
Questions of Tradition |
2004 |
University of Toronto Press
Redirecting Philosophy: Reflections on the Nature of Knowledge from Plato to Lonergan |
Meynell, Hugo A.
1998 |
University of Toronto Press
Writing the Social: Critique, Theory, and Investigations |
Smith, Dorothy E.
1999 |
University of Toronto Press
Moral Objectives, Rules, and the Forms of Social Change |
Braybrooke, David.
1998 |
University of Toronto Press
The New Dialectic: Conversational Contexts of Argument |
Walton, Douglas.
1998 |
University of Toronto Press
Canadian Communication Thought: Ten Foundational Writers |
Babe, Robert E.
2000 |
University of Toronto Press