All About Capital Cities: Winnipeg |
McDermott, Barb, and Gail McKeown.
1999 |
Reidmore Books
Joe Zuken: Citizen and Socialist |
Smith, Doug.
1990 |
James Lorimer & Co.
Without Fear or Favour: A Free-Wheeling Account of Life on the Thin Blue Line. |
Tinsley, Jack S.
2009 |
Great Plains Publications
Picturing Manitoba: Legacies of the Winnipeg Tribune. |
Gourluck, Russ.
2008 |
Great Plains Publications
Imagined Homes: Soviet German Immigrants in Two Cities. |
Werner, Hans.
2007 |
University of Manitoba Press
All About Capital Cities: Winnipeg |
McDermott, Barb, and Gail McKeown.
1999 |
Reidmore Books
Winnipeg 1912 |
Blanchard, Jim.
2005 |
University of Manitoba Press
The Battle of Seven Oaks: And the Violent Birth of the Red River Settlement |
Gordon, Irene Ternier,
2005 |
Altitude Publishing Canada
A Store Like No Other: Eaton's of Winnipeg |
Gourluck, Russ.
2004 |
Great Plains Publications
Mennonites in Winnipeg |
Dreidger, Leo.
1990 |
Kindred Press
Joe Zuken: Citizen and Socialist |
Smith, Doug.
1990 |
James Lorimer & Co.
The Boy from Winnipeg |
Gray, James H.
1996 |
Fifth House
Winnipeg Landmarks, Vol. 2 |
Peterson, Murray.
1998 |
J. Gordon Shillingford Publishing
Italians in Winnipeg: An Illustrated History |
Carbone, Stanislao.
1998 |
University of Manitoba Press
A Winnipeg Album: Glimpses of the Way We Were |
Hamilton, John David, and Bonnie Dickie.
1998 |
Dundurn Press
The Desire of Every Living Thing: A Search for Home |
Gillmor. Don.
1999 |
Random House of Canada