Search Results

16 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
McDermott, Barb, and Gail McKeown. 1999 Reidmore Books
Smith, Doug. 1990 James Lorimer & Co.
Tinsley, Jack S. 2009 Great Plains Publications
Gourluck, Russ. 2008 Great Plains Publications
Werner, Hans. 2007 University of Manitoba Press
McDermott, Barb, and Gail McKeown. 1999 Reidmore Books
Blanchard, Jim. 2005 University of Manitoba Press
Gordon, Irene Ternier, 2005 Altitude Publishing Canada
Gourluck, Russ. 2004 Great Plains Publications
Dreidger, Leo. 1990 Kindred Press
Smith, Doug. 1990 James Lorimer & Co.
Gray, James H. 1996 Fifth House
Peterson, Murray. 1998 J. Gordon Shillingford Publishing
Carbone, Stanislao. 1998 University of Manitoba Press
Hamilton, John David, and Bonnie Dickie. 1998 Dundurn Press
Gillmor. Don. 1999 Random House of Canada