Four Letter Word: Original Love Letters. |
2007 |
Vintage Canada
Gutted |
Christie, Evie.
2005 |
ECW Press
The Bookseller |
Cohen, Matt.
1993 |
Alfred A. Knopf Canada
Sayings on Love |
Jones, David C.
2000 |
Detselig Enterprises
Think Again |
Lawson, JonArno
2011 |
Kids Can Press
Tyranny of Love |
Mills, Kenneth George.
1995 |
Sun-Scape Publications
The Lover's Tongue: A Merry Romp Through the Language of Love and Sex |
Morton, Mark.
2003 |
Insomniac Press
JC and Me: A Dialogue on Nonjudgemental Love |
Mouradian, Ted.
2000 |
Broken Jaw Press
Northern Love: An Exploration of Canadian Masculinity. |
Nonnekes, Paul.
2008 |
AU Press
The Space Between |
Rodriguez, J.P.
2009 |
Darkstar Fiction
Creating Love: A Guide to Finding and Attracting Love |
Stevens, Samantha.
2004 |
Insomniac Press
222 Ways to Make Love with Life: How to Love, Laugh, and Live in the Moment |
Vegotsky, Ken.
1997 |
AGES Publications
My Messy Bedroom: Love and Sex in the '90s |
Vogels, Josey.
1995 |
Véhicule Press