A Darker Light |
Priesnitz, Heidi.
2003 |
Dundurn Press
All Times Have Been Modern |
Harvor, Elisabeth
2004 |
Penguin Books Canada
Always Now: The Collected Poems, Vol. 3 |
Avison, Margaret.
2005 |
The Porcupine's Quill
Arctic Spectacles: The Frozen North in Visual Culture, 1818 |
Potter, Russell A.
2007 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Art at Work. |
2007 |
Goose Lane Editions
Brian Jungen |
Augaitis, Daina.
2005 |
Douglas & McIntyre
By the Skin of His Teeth |
Walsh, Ann.
2004 |
Beach Holme Publishing
Chanda's Secrets |
Stratton, Allan.
2004 |
Annick Press
Colours |
Bullock, Michael.
2003 |
Rainbird Press
Cross My Heart |
Shipley, Jocelyn.
2004 |
Sumach Press
Drawn & Quarterly Showcase |
2005 |
Drawn & Quarterly
Exploring the Castle: Discovering the Backbone of the World in Southern Alberta. |
Kershaw, Robert.
2008 |
Rocky Mountain Books
Fixed |
Goobie, Beth.
2005 |
Orca Book Publishers
Fixed |
Goobie, Beth.
2005 |
Orca Book Publishers
Flux |
Goobie, Beth.
2004 |
Orca Book Publishers
Gaspereau Gloriatur: Liber Beati Anni Decimi, Vol. 1. |
2007 |
Gaspereau Press
Genocide |
Springer, Jane.
2006 |
Groundwood Books
Genocide |
Springer, Jane.
2006 |
Groundwood Books
Habitat |
Wheeler, Sue.
2005 |
Brick Books
Henry Pepper. |
Lukyn, Justin.
2008 |
New Star Books
Incredible Women Inventors |
Braun, Sandra.
2006 |
Second Story Press
Intimate Distances |
Lam, Fiona Tinwei.
2002 |
Nightwood Editions
Life of the Trail 1: Historic Hikes in Eastern Banff National Park. |
Sanford, Emerson, and Janice Sanford Beck.
2008 |
Rocky Mountain Books
Life of the Trail 2: Historic Hikes in Northern Yoho National Park. |
Sanford, Emerson, and Janice Sanford Beck.
2008 |
Rocky Mountain Books
Local Matters: A Defence of Dooney's Café and Other Non-Globalized Places, People, and Ideas |
Fawcett, Brian.
2003 |
New Star Books