Search Results

105 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
1997 Education International
Ruth, Norbert J. 1997 Assumption University
Kinahan, David S., and Harold Heft. 1997 Macmillan Canada
Mayer, Roy. 1997 Raincoast Books
Lam, Y.L. Jack. 1998 Detselig Enterprises
Paul, Kevin. 1998 Self-Counsel Press
1998 Education International
Harris, Carol E. 1998 Fernwood Publishing
Baker, Murray. 1998 HarperCollins Canada
Ash, Marinell, et al. 1999 University of Toronto Press
Watkinson, Ailsa M. 1999 Purich Publishing
1999 Detselig Enterprises
1999 Duval House Publishing
MacLeod, Malcolm. 1999 Breakwater Books
Ross, Alexander M., and Terry A. Crowley. 1999 Dundurn Press
Tudiver, Neil. 1999 James Lorimer & Co.
Wilson, H.T. 1999 Voyageur Publishing
Lyon, Noel. 1999 University of Calgary Press
Duckworth, Henry E. 2000 University of Manitoba Press
2000 UBC Press
Anisef, Paul, et al. 2000 University of Toronto Press
Carpenter, Rebecca. 2000 John Wiley & Sons Canada
2000 James Lorimer & Co.
Spafford, Shirley. 2000 University of Toronto Press
Anisef, Paul, et al. 2000 University of Toronto Press