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The Alaska Highway: A Personal & Historical Account of the Building of the Alaska Highway |
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Breakwater Books
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Tall Ships and Master Mariners |
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Ghost Railways of Ontario |
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Broadview Press
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Caitlin Press
Disaster on Mount Slesse: The Story of Western Canada's Worst Air Crash |
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The Changing Transportation Environment of the Canadian Mineral Industry |
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Centre for Transportation Studies, University of British Columbia
Canadian Airline Deregulation and Privatization: Assessing Effects and Prospects |
Gillen, David W., Tae H. Oum, and Michael W. Tretheway
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Centre for Transportation Studies, University of British Columbia
Case Problems in Air Transportation |
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Centre for Transportation Studies, University of British Columbia
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Cordillera Books
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Wings, Wheels and Sails |
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Crabtree Publishing
Travel in the Early Days |
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Crabtree Publishing
Medieval Towns, Trade, and Travel |
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Crabtree Publishing