AACR 2 Decisions and Rule Interpretations |
Cook, C. Donald, and Glenna E. Stevens
1982 |
Canadian Library Association
For the Creative Librarian: A Compendium of School Library Program Ideas |
1982 |
Manitoba School Library Audio Visual Association
Canadian Freelance Writers: Characteristics and Issues |
Harrison, Brian R.
1982 |
Department of Communications
Images of Women: Report of the Task Force on Sex-Role Stereotyping in the Broadcast Media |
1982 |
Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Supply and Services Canada
The Introduction of Pay-TV in Canada: Issues and Implications |
1982 |
The Institute for Research on Public Policy
The News: Inside the Canadian Media |
1982 |
The Development of the Department of Library Science, Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria: And Its Implications for the Planning of Library Education Programmes in English-Speaking Black African Countries |
Olden, Edward Anthony
1982 |
School of Library Service, Dalhousie University
Resources in Context: Proceedings of the AMTEC '82 Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 6-9 |
1982 |
Association of Media and Technology in Education in Canada
Media Law Handbook: A Guide for Canadian Journalists, Broadcasters, Photographers, and Writers |
Robertson, Stuart M.
1982 |
International Self-Counsel Press
The Law and the Media in Canada |
Beckton, Clare F.
1982 |
A Victorian Authority: The Daily Press in Late Nineteenth-Century Canada |
Rutherford, Paul
1982 |
University of Toronto Press
Author and Editor at Work: Making a Better Book |
Stainton, Elsie Myers
1982 |
University of Toronto Press
Telecommunications Regulation and the Constitution |
1982 |
The Institute for Research on Public Policy
What Every Librarian Should Know about On-line Searching |
Wilks, Brian B.
1982 |
Canadian Library Association
The Used car Believer's System |
Appel, Robert
1982 |
Doubleday Canada
Start with $1000: Do-It-Yourself Investing for Canadians |
Brown, J.L., and Jerry Ackerman
1982 |
Macmillan of Canada
Inspecting a House: A Guide for Buyers, Owners and Renovators |
Carson, Alan, and Robert Dunlop
1982 |
General Publishing
The Better Book for Getting Hired: A Professional Approach to Writing Resumes and Marketing Yourself |
Downe, Robert P.
1982 |
International Self-Counsel Press
The Money Tree |
Hutner, Hart
1982 |
Vesta Publications
Handy Househole Hints: 1001 Practical Ideas |
McDougall, Gale
1982 |
John Wiley & Sons Canada
The Basement Book |
Mitchell, Harris
1982 |
Personal Library
1200 Household Hints You Wanted To Know |
Mitchell, Harris
1982 |
How to Teach Your Children about Money |
Snyder, Chris
1982 |
Macmillan of Canada
It's Your Money: Canada's Bestselling Guide to Personal Financial Planning |
Snyder, J. Christopher, and Brian E. Anderson
1982 |
Methuen Publications
How to Sell Your Own Home |
Vendor, A.
1982 |