An Acceptance of Paradox: Essays on Canadian Diplomacy in Honour of John W. Holmes |
1982 |
Canadian Institute of International Affairs
Canada and the United States in the 1980s: The Fifth Lester B. Pearson Conference, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, October 14-17, 1981 |
1982 |
Canadian Institute of International Affairs
Canada and Western Security: The Search for New Options |
1982 |
Atlantic Council of Canada
The Canadian Strategic Review 1982 |
1982 |
Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies
The Effects of Transition to Confederation on Public Administration in Newfoundland |
Channing, J.G.
1982 |
Institute of Public Administration of Canada
Local Development: Some Policy Directions |
Coffey, William J., and Mario Polese
1982 |
Institute of Public Affairs, Dalhousie University
The Light and the Burning: A Witness to the Filipino Struggle; The Other Side of the Story |
Evans, Derek
1982 |
Wood Lake Books
Governing under Pressure: The Special Interest Groups: 14th National Seminar |
1982 |
Institute of Public Administration of Canada
The Ottawa Men: The Civil Service Mandarins, 1935-1957 |
Granatstein, J.L.
1982 |
Oxford University Press
Milestone Events 1976-1981 |
Klaassen, Michael, and Hanna Newcombe
1982 |
Peace Research Institute
How Effective Are Peace Movements? |
Overy, Bob
1982 |
Harvest House
NORAD: A New Look |
Dose, Daniel C.
1983 |
Centre for International Relations, Queen's University
The Modern State: An Anarchist Analysis |
Harrison, J. Frank
1983 |
Black Rose Books
Equality in Employment: Report of the Commission on Equality in Employment |
1984 |
Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Supple and Services Canada
Canada and Peacekeeping: Prospects for the Future |
1984 |
Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies
How Ottawa Decides: Planning and Industrial Policy Making 1968-1984 |
French, Richard D.
1984 |
James Lorimer & Co.
The Integration Question: Political Economy and Public Policy in Canada and North America |
1984 |
Managing Canada's North: Challenges and Opportunities: 16th National Seminar |
1984 |
Institute of Public Administration of Canada
Nuclear Strategy and the Superpowers |
1984 |
Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies
Ocean Policy and Management in the Arctic |
The Third National Workshop on People, Resources, and the Environment North of 60°
1984 |
Canadian Arctic Resources Committee
Marginal Notes: Challenges to the Mainstream |
Salutin, Rick
1984 |
Lester & Orpen Dennys
The National Deal: The Fight for a Canadian Constitution |
Sheppard, Robert, and Michael Valpy
1984 |
Macmillan of Canada
German Perspectives on the Defence of Europe: An Analysis of Alternative Approaches to NATO Strategy |
Sperling, Goetz
1985 |
Centre for International Relations, Queen's University
In the Name of Progress: The Underside of Foreign Aid |
Adams, Patricia, and Lawrence Solomon
1985 |
Energy Probe Research Foundation
Aerospace Defence: Canada's Future Role? |
Byers, R.B., John Hamre, and G.R. Lindsey
1985 |
Canadian Institute of International Affairs