Diplomatic Missions: The Ambassador in Canadian Foreign Policy |
1998 |
Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
How Ottawa Spends 1998-99: Balancing Act-the Post-Deficit Mandate |
1998 |
Oxford University Press Canada
How Ottawa Spends, 1997-98: Seeing Red-a Liberal Report Card |
1997 |
Carleton University Press
Government Restructuring and Career Public Services |
2000 |
Institute of Public Administration of Canada
How Ottawa Spends, 1995-96: Mid-Life Crises |
1995 |
Carleton University Press
How Ottawa Spends, 1996-97: Life Under the Knife |
1996 |
Carleton University Press
How Ottawa Spends, 1994-95: Making Change |
1994 |
Carleton University Press
How Ottawa Spends, 2001-2002: Power in Transition |
2001 |
Oxford University Press Canada
The New Public Organization |
2000 |
Institute of Public Administration of Canada
Risky Business: Canada's Changing Science-Based Policy and Regulation Regime |
2000 |
University of Toronto Press
How Ottawa Spends, 2002-2003: The Security Aftermath and National Priorities |
2002 |
Oxford University Press Canada
A Different Kind of State?: Popular Power and Democratic Administration |
1993 |
Oxford University Press Canada
How Ottawa Spends 2004–2005: Mandate Change in the Paul Martin Era |
2004 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Searching for Leadership: Secretaries to Cabinet in Canada. |
2008 |
University of Toronto Press
Taking Stock: Assessing Public Sector Reforms |
1998 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
How Ottawa Spends 2004–2005: Mandate Change in the Paul Martin Era |
2004 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Changing Regulatory Institutions in Britain and North America |
1998 |
University of Toronto Press
Risky Business: Canada's Changing Science-Based Policy and Regulation Regime |
2000 |
University of Toronto Press
Diplomatic Missions: The Ambassador in Canadian Foreign Policy |
1998 |
Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
Searching for Leadership: Secretaries to Cabinet in Canada. |
2008 |
University of Toronto Press
Report on Job Evaluation Systems in the Ontario Public Sector |
1986 |
Industrial Relations Centre, Queen's University
Canada, the Caribbean, and Central America |
1986 |
The Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies
Equality in Employment: Report of the Commission on Equality in Employment |
1984 |
Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Supple and Services Canada
The Social Policy Process in Canada |
1986 |
The Institute for Research on Public Policy
Strategy and the Arctic |
1986 |
Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies