Search Results

261 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
2009 Cape Breton University Press
Abdennur, Alexander. 2000 Detselig Enterprises
Altemeyer, Bob 1981 University of Manitoba Press
Anderson, Charles C., and L.D. Travis 1983 Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Ardinger, Barbara. 2003 ECW Press
Arnott, Joanne. 1995 Press Gang Publishers
Artz, Sibylle. 1994 Trifolium Books
Ashenburg, Katherine. 2002 McClelland & Stewart
Barnes, Mark A. 1996 Viktoria, Fermoyle & Berrigan, Publishing
Battle, James. 1994 James Battle & Assoc.
Baxter, Grant W., and Wendy J. Stuart. 1999 University of Toronto Press
Baxter, Grant W., and Wendy J. Stuart. 1999 University of Toronto Press
Belleghem, Marilyn Barnicke. 2003 Quest Publishing
Belleghem, Marilyn Barnicke. 2005 Quest Publishing
Benner, David G. 1996 Detselig Enterprises
Bennett, Holly, and Teresa Pitman. 1998 Key Porter Books
Bennett, Holly, and Teresa Pitman. 1998 Key Porter Books
Benzaquén, Adriana S. 2006 McGill-Queen's University Press
Berger, Janice, with Harry Hall. 2005 Penguin Books Canada
Bigge, Ryan. 2001 Arsenal Pulp Press
Bishop, Anne. 1994 Fernwood Publishing
Blank, Joani 1985 Kids Can Press
Blowers, Geoffrey H., and Kieron P. O'Connor. 1996 University of Ottawa Press
Boisvert, Mathieu. 1995 Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Bonneville, François. 1998 Oberon Press