Whiskey Jack |
Acorn, Milton
1986 |
HMS Press
Captain Neal MacDougal & The Naked Goddess: A Demi-Prophetic Work as a Sonnet-Series |
Acorn, Milton
1982 |
Ragweed Press
Atlantic Canada's 100 Greatest Books |
Adams, Trevor J. and Stephen Patrick Clare
2009 |
Nimbus Publishing
Make Your Own Circus |
Alfaenger, Peter K.
1982 |
Groundwood Books
The Garden of Eloise Loon |
Alford, Edna
1986 |
Oolichan Books
The Presence of Fire |
Amabile, George
1982 |
McClelland & Stewart
The Age of Wonders |
Appelfeld, Aharon
1982 |
Lester & Orpen Dennys
SF: Inventing the Future |
Appleford, R. Duncan
1982 |
The Books Society
No Big Deal! |
Archambault Theatre Group
1982 |
Exile Editions
Foxy and the Missing Mask |
Archer, Colleen Rutherford
1986 |
Penumbra Press
Riding High |
Archer, Colleen Rutherford
1986 |
Penumbra Press
Enwhisteetkwa: Walk in Water |
Armstrong, Jeannette C.
1982 |
Okanagan Indian Curriculum Project
Men of the Otherworld: A Collection of Otherworld Tales |
Armstrong, Kelley
2009 |
Random House Canada
Fifty Stories and a Piece of Advice |
Arnason, David
1982 |
Turnstone Press
Literary Houses |
Ashe, Rosalind
1982 |
Who Hides in the Park |
Aska, Warabe
1986 |
Tundra Books
Selected Poems 2: Poems Selected and New, 1976-1986 |
Atwood, Margaret
1986 |
Oxford University Press
Second Words: Selected Critical Prose |
Atwood, Margaret
1982 |
House of Anansi Press
Hooker & Brown: A Novel by Jerry Auld |
Auld, Jerry
2009 |
Brindle & Glass
Cottage Gothic |
Avery, Martin
1982 |
Oberon Press
A Long Night of Death |
Balcarce, Alberto
1986 |
Mosaic Press
Oil Patch Empire |
Ballem, John
1985 |
McClelland & Stewart
This Place |
Baltensperger, Peter
1982 |
Highway Book Shop
Running into the Open |
Banting, Pamela
1982 |
Turnstone Press
Dancing in the Dark |
Barfoot, Joan
1982 |
Macmillan of Canada