Searching for Leadership: Secretaries to Cabinet in Canada. |
2008 |
University of Toronto Press
Searching for Leadership: Secretaries to Cabinet in Canada. |
2008 |
University of Toronto Press
Retiring the Crow Rate: A Narrative of Political Management |
Kroeger, Arthur
2009 |
University of Alberta Press
Seismic Shifts: Leading in Times of Change. |
White, Christopher.
2006 |
United Church Publishing House
The Velvet Hammer: PowHERful Leadership Lessons for Women Who Don't Golf |
Allison, Elaine.
2006 |
Positive Presentations Plus
Leadership on the Run: How to Get Better Results Faster |
Bendaly, Leslie.
2003 |
Penguin Books Canada
Achieving, Believing and Caring: Doing Whatever It Takes to Create Successful Schools |
Spence, Christopher M.
2009 |
Pembroke Publishers
Leaders Talk Leadership: Top Executives Speak Their Minds |
2002 |
Oxford University Press Canada
The Seven Strategies of Master Leaders: Featuring Key Insights from 30 of Canada's Top Leaders |
McRae, Brad
2010 |
Northbridge Publishing
Moral Leadership: Facing Canada's Leadership Crisis |
Evans, Robert C.
1997 |
McGraw-Hill Ryerson
In Search of Leadership: How Great Leaders Answer the Question "Why Lead?" |
Harkins, Phil, and Phil Swift.
2009 |
McGraw Hill
The Montreal Olympics: An Insider's View of Organizing A Self-Financing Games |
Howell, Paul Charles
2009 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Pathways to Performance: A Guide to Transforming Yourself, Your Team, and Your Organization |
Clemmer, Jim.
1995 |
Macmillan Canada
Blue Thunder: The Truth about Conservatves from MacDonald to Harper |
Plamondon, Bob
2009 |
Key Porter Books
Breaking the Leadership Mold: An Executive's Guide to Achieving Organizational Excellence |
Steeves, Rosie
2010 |
The Intangibles of Leadership: The 10 Qualities of Superior Executive Performance |
Davis, Richard A.
2010 |
Leadership Solutions: The Pathway to Bridge the Leadership Gap. |
Weiss, David S., Vince Molinaro, and Liane Davey.
2007 |
John Wiley & Sons Canada
Off the Bench and into the Game: Eight Success Strategies from Professional Sport. Rev. ed. |
Walter, Ryan.
2006 |
Heritage House
Five Seconds at a Time: How Leaders Can Make the Impossible Possible |
Shackel, Denis with Tara Bradacs
2010 |
Beyond Ego: Influential Leadership Starts Within. |
Horn, Art.
2008 |
ECW Press
How Leaders Speak: Essential Rules for Engaging and Inspiring Others |
Gray, Jim
2010 |
Dundurn Press
Leading in an Upside-Down World: New Canadian Perspectives on Leadership |
2003 |
Dundurn Press
Sayings for Leaders |
2003 |
Detselig Enterprises