38 Ways to Entertain Your Babysitter |
Hunter, Dette.
2003 |
Annick Press
38 Ways to Entertain Your Babysitter |
Hunter, Dette.
2003 |
Annick Press
38 Ways to Entertain Your Grandparents |
Hunter, Dette.
2002 |
Annick Press
38 Ways to Entertain Your Grandparents |
Hunter, Dette.
2002 |
Annick Press
Across Canada: Puzzles, Games and Activities from Sea to Sea |
Sinclair, Jeff.
2003 |
Scholastic Canada
Alphabet Mazes |
Shannon, Rosemarie.
2003 |
Kids Can Press
Alphamagnets: A Terrific Trip to a Zany Zoo |
Shields, Eugenie, and Robert Lostutter.
1997 |
Somerville House Publishing
Animals |
1998 |
Firefly Books
Baby Games: The Joyful Guide to Child's Play from Birth to Three Years. Rev. ed. |
Martin, Elaine.
1994 |
Stoddart Publishing
Before and After: A Book of Nature Timescapes |
Thornhill, Jan.
1997 |
OWL Books
Bidding |
Grant, Audrey.
1998 |
Prentice-Hall Canada
Brainstorm! |
Shimkofsky, Wendy Ashton.
1997 |
Pembroke Publishers
Building a Solitaire Game and a Peg Board |
Ainsworth, Ken.
1998 |
Annick Press
Camilla Gryski's Cat's Cradle: With a Friend or by Yourself |
Gryski, Camilla.
1995 |
Kids Can Press
Camilla Gryski's Favourite String Games |
Gryski, Camilla.
1995 |
Kids Can Press
Campire Activities |
Pearce, Cheryl, and Lynne Travers.
1993 |
Girl Guides of Canada
Chalk Around the Block |
McKay, Sharon, and David MacLeod.
1993 |
Somerville House Publishing
Classroom Games |
Kalman, Bobbie, and Heather Levigne.
2001 |
Crabtree Publishing
Classroom Games |
Kalman, Bobbie, and Heather Levigne.
2001 |
Crabtree Publishing
Clothes |
1998 |
Firefly Books
Defense |
Grant, Audrey.
1998 |
Prentice-Hall Canada
Dr. Bob's Instant Ring Juggling Book |
Woodburn, Bob.
1997 |
Firefly Books
Drama Games |
Warren, Bernie.
1996 |
Captus Press
Einstein's Science Parties: Easy Parties for Curious Kids |
Levine, Shar, and Allison Grafton.
1994 |
John Wiley & Sons Canada
Faceoff!: Hockey Games, Facts and Fun. |
Sinclair, Jeff.
2007 |
Scholastic Canada