The World in a City |
2003 |
University of Toronto Press
Toronto: The Essential Guide to the Best of the City. |
2006 |
ECW Press
The 1991 Kids Toronto Directory |
1990 |
KidsCanada Publishing
Bones of the Ancestors: The Archaeology and Osteobiography of the Moatfield Ossuary |
2003 |
Canadian Museum of Civilization
The World in a City |
2003 |
University of Toronto Press
Inside the Mosaic |
2006 |
University of Toronto Press
Quotations from Chairman Lamport |
1990 |
Arsenal Pulp Press
Leaside. 2nd ed. |
2000 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
Bloody York: Tales of Mayhem, Murder and Mystery in Toronto |
1996 |
Dundurn Press
25 Years of Being There: A Pictorial History from the Pages of the «Toronto Sun», 1971-1996 |
1996 |
Key Porter Books
200 Years Yonge: A History |
1998 |
Natural Heritage/Natural History
This Ain't No Healing Town: Toronto Stories |
1995 |
Exile Editions
A Day at the Fair: Sketches from the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair |
Young, Paul, and Paul King.
1995 |
Key Porter Books
Toronto Street Names: An Illustrated Guide to Their Origins |
Wise, Leonard, and Allan Gould.
2000 |
Firefly Books
A Marriage of Convenience: Business and Social Work in Toronto, 1918-1957 |
Wills, Gale.
1995 |
University of Toronto Press
A Marriage of Convenience: Business and Social Work in Toronto, 1918-1957 |
Wills, Gale.
1995 |
University of Toronto Press
Memories of the Beach: Reflections on a Toronto Childhood |
Williams, Lorraine O'Donnell
2010 |
Dundurn Press
Toronto's Cheaper Eats |
Waxman, Sara.
1994 |
Burgher Books
A Guide to the Bookstores of Toronto |
Warren-Wenk, Peggy, and Arthur B.Wenk.
1996 |
ECW Press
Toronto Dance Teachers: 1825-1925 |
Warner, Mary Jane.
1995 |
Arts Inter-Media Canada/Dance Collection
Becoming Modern in Toronto: The Industrial Exhibition and the Shaping of a Late Victorian Culture |
Walden, Keith.
1997 |
University of Toronto Press
Becoming Modern in Toronto: The Industrial Exhibition and the Shaping of a Late Victorian Culture |
Walden, Keith.
1997 |
University of Toronto Press
Hip Guide to Toronto |
von Hahn, Karen.
1996 |
Macfarlane Walter & Ross
Edwin Alonzo Boyd |
Vallée, Brian.
1997 |
Doubleday Canada
Vision and Persistence: Twenty Years of the Ontario Film Institute |
Uhde, Jan.
1990 |
University of Waterloo Press