Robert and Frances Flaherty: A Documentary Life, 1883–1922 |
Christopher, Robert J.
2005 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
We're Not Dead Yet: The First World War Diary of Private Bert Cooke |
Walsh, Milly, and John Callan.
2004 |
Vanwell Publishing
The Journals of Yaacov Zipper, 1950–1982: The Struggle for Yiddishkeit |
Zipper, Yaacov.
2004 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Another Place, Another Time: A U-Boat Officer's Wartime Album |
Hirschmann, Werner, with Donald E. Graves.
2004 |
Robin Brass Studio
It Made You Think of Home: The Haunting Journal of Deward Barnes, Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1916–1919 |
Cane, Bruce.
2004 |
Dundurn Press
The Selected Journals of LM Montgomery, Vol. 5: 1935–1942 |
2004 |
Oxford University Press Canada
Intimate Journal |
Brossard, Nicole.
2004 |
Mercury Press
A Voyage to the Northwest Side of America: The Journey of James Colnett, 1786–89 |
Colnett, James.
2004 |
UBC Press
I'll Tell You One Dam Thing, and That's All I Know! |
Arden, Jann.
2004 |
Insomniac Press
Seven Eggs Today: The Diaries of Mary Armstrong, 1859 and 1869 |
Armstrong, Mary.
2004 |
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Northrop Frye Unbuttoned: Wit and Wisdom from the Notebooks and Diaries |
Frye, Northrop.
2004 |
House of Anansi Press
Surveying Northern British Columbia: A Photojournal of Frank Swannell |
Sherwood, Jay.
2004 |
Caitlin Press
Clifton Royal: The Wetmores and Village Life in the Nineteenth-Century New Brunswick |
Wetmore, David.
2004 |
Canadian Museum of Civilization
The Gardener's Five Year Journal |
Ashton, John.
2003 |
Whitecap Books
In Quest of Fur: The Travel Journal of William OK Ross, 1909 |
Ross, William O.K.
2003 |
Creative Book Publishing
Sun in Winter: A Toronto Wartime Journal, 1942–1945 |
Lambton, Gunda.
2003 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
China Diary: The Life of Mary Austin Endicott |
Endicott, Shirley Jane.
2003 |
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Opposite Contraries: The Unknown Journals of Emily Carr and Other Writings |
Carr, Emily.
2003 |
Douglas & McIntyre
The Terri Clark Journals: Phases and Stages |
Clark, Terri.
2003 |
Insomniac Press
The Conventional Man: The Diaries of Ontario Chief Justice Robert A Harrison, 1856–1878 |
Harrison, Robert A.
2003 |
University of Toronto Press
The Small Details of Life: 20 Diaries by Women in Canada, 1830-1996 |
2002 |
University of Toronto Press
Besok, Saya Melukis?/Tomorrow I Paint?: Bali Diaries |
Original, Cris.
2002 |
Canadian Poetry Association
The Small Details of Life: 20 Diaries by Women in Canada, 1830-1996 |
2002 |
University of Toronto Press
My First Years in the Fur Trade: The Journals of George Nelson, 1802-1804 |
Nelson, George.
2002 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
The "Third Book" Notebooks of Northrop Frye, 1964-1972: The Critical Comedy |
Frye, Northrop.
2002 |
University of Toronto Press