A Bibliography of Canadian Imprints, 1751-1800 |
Fleming, Tremaine, Marie.
1999 |
University of Toronto Press
A Bibliography of McClelland & Stewart Imprints, 1909-1985: A Publisher's Legacy |
Spadoni, Carl, and Judith Donnelly.
1994 |
ECW Press
A Bibliography of Stephen Leacock |
Spadoni, Carl.
1998 |
ECW Press
A Bibliography of Works on Canadian Foreign Relations, 1981-1985 |
1987 |
Canadian Institute of International Affairs
A Canadian Collection of Hungarica, Vol. 1: Books, 1494-1819 |
Horvath, J.Eugene.
2001 |
J.E. Horvath
A Canadian Collection of Hungarica, Vol. 2: Maps and City Views, 1493-1817 |
Horvath, J.Eugene.
2001 |
J.E. Horvath
A Garment Worker's Legacy: The Joe Fishstein Collection of Yiddish Poetry |
Fishstein, Joe
1998 |
McGill University Libraries
A Guide to Canadian Children's Books |
Baker, Deirdre, and Ken Setterington.
2003 |
McClelland & Stewart
A Guide to the Fonds d'Archives and Collections in the Holdings of the York University Archives |
Craig, Barbara L., and Peter D. James.
1995 |
ECW Press
Anamorphosis: An Annotated Bibliography with Special Reference to Architectural Representation. |
Compiled by Alberto Pérez-Gomex and Louise Pelletier.
1995 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Bibliography of Canadian Bibliographies. 3rd ed. |
1994 |
University of Toronto Press
Books That Shaped Our Minds |
1998 |
University of British Columbia Library
Canadian Children's Books: A Critical Guide to Authors and Illustrators |
Jones, Raymond E., and Jon C. Stott.
2000 |
Oxford University Press Canada
Canadian Film and Video, Vol. 1 and 2: A Bibliography and Guide to the Literature |
Lerner, Loren R.
1997 |
University of Toronto Press
Canadian History-A Reader's Guide, Vol. 1: Beginnings to Confederation |
1994 |
University of Toronto Press
Canadian History-A Reader's Guide, Vol. 1: Beginnings to Confederation |
1994 |
University of Toronto Press
Canadian History-A Reader's Guide, Vol. 2: Confederation to the Present |
1994 |
University of Toronto Press
Canadian History-A Reader's Guide, Vol. 2: Confederation to the Present |
1994 |
University of Toronto Press
Canadian Selection: Books and Periodicals for Libraries |
Cariou, Mavis, Sandra J. Cox, and Alvan Bregman, comps
1985 |
University of Toronto Press
Canadian Women's History Bibliography |
Dyer, Klay, Sue Martin, and Lucy Sussex.
1997 |
Canadian Institute for Historical Microreproductions
Cape Bretoniana: An Annotated Bibliography |
2005 |
University of Toronto Press
Classic Material: The Hip-Hop Album Guide |
2003 |
ECW Press
Cocaine: A Selection of Annotated Papers from 1880 to 1984 Concerning Health Effects |
Anglin, Lise
1985 |
Addiction Research Foundation
Corpus Librorum Emblematum: The Jesuit Series, Part 1 |
1997 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Corpus Librorum Emblematum: The Jesuit Series, Part 3 |
2002 |
University of Toronto Press