The Disaster of the Hindenburg |
Tanaka, Shelley.
1993 |
Scholastic Canada
Turbulence: How Deregulation Destroyed Canada's Airlines |
Skene, Wayne.
1994 |
Douglas & McIntyre
Flying Canucks: Famous Canadian Aviators |
Pigott, Peter.
1994 |
Dundurn Press
Wings for Victory: The Remarkable Story of the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan in Canada |
Dunmore, Spencer.
1994 |
McClelland & Stewart
Daring Lady Flyers: Canadian Women in the Early Years of Aviation |
Spring, Joyce.
1994 |
Pottersfield Press
Hindenberg: An Illustrated History |
Archbold, Rick.
1994 |
Penguin Books Canada
Flying the Frontiers: A Half-million Hours of Aviation Adventure |
Matheson, Shirlee Smith.
1994 |
Fifth House
Gateways: Airports of Canada |
Pigott, Peter.
1996 |
Pottersfield Press
The Cream of the Crop: Canadian Aircrew, 1939-1945 |
English, Allan D.
1996 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Flying the Frontiers, Vol. 2: More Hours of Aviation Adventure! |
Matheson, Shirlee Smith.
1996 |
Detselig Enterprises
Paper Airplanes and Other Super Flyers |
Francis, Neil.
1996 |
Kids Can Press
Paper Airplanes and Other Super Flyers |
Francis, Neil.
1996 |
Kids Can Press
Bush Pilot with a Briefcase: The Incredible Story of Aviation Pioneer Grant McConachie |
Keith, Ronald A.
1997 |
Douglas & McIntyre
Flying Canucks II |
Pigott, Peter.
1997 |
Dundurn Press
Flying Colours |
Pigott, Peter.
1997 |
Douglas & McIntyre
They Never Gave Up: Adventures in Early Aviation |
Wilkey, Michael.
1997 |
Orca Book Publishers
McCurdy and the Silver Dart |
Harding, Les.
1998 |
University College of Cape Breton Press
I'd Rather Be Flying: The Airborne Life and Times of Ted Pearcey |
Hebbard, Gary.
2000 |
Creative Book Publishing
Flying Canucks III: Famous Canadian Aviators |
Pigott, Peter.
2000 |
Harbour Publishing
Aviation Memoirs: A Love Affair with Flight |
Smyth, Ross.
2001 |
General Store Publishing House
Pilots to Presidents: British Columbia Aviation Pioneers and Leaders, 1930-1960 |
Corley-Smith, Peter.
2001 |
Sono Nis Press
Wings Across Canada: An Illustrated History of Canadian Aviation |
Pigott, Peter.
2002 |
Dundurn Press
The Wright Brothers: A Flying Start |
MacLeod, Elizabeth.
2002 |
Kids Can Press
The Story of Flight |
Rinard, Judith E.
2002 |
Firefly Books
The Wright Brothers: A Flying Start |
MacLeod, Elizabeth.
2002 |
Kids Can Press