Search Results

260 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Buck, George H. 1997 Fifth House
Bruce, Harry. 1997 Douglas & McIntyre
Keller, Keith. 1997 Harbour Publishing
Fraser, Doug. 1997 Pottersfield Press
Barker, Pat. 1996 Raincoast Books
Reid, Sheila. 1997 Vanwell Publishing
Keith, Ronald A. 1997 Douglas & McIntyre
Spalding, David, Andrea Spalding, and Lawrence Pitt. 1996 Altitude Publishing Canada
Rossiter, Sean. 1998 Douglas & McIntyre
O'Keefe, Betty, and Ian Macdonald. 1998 Heritage House Publishing
Halliday, Hugh A. 1997 Robin Brass Studio
Grant, Robert S. 1997 Hancock House Publishers
Galgay, Frank, and Michael McCarthy. 1997 Creative Book Publishing
Corley-Smith, Peter, and David N. Parker. 1998 Sono Nis Press
Lundy, Derek. 1998 Alfred A. Knopf Canada
Smith, Steve, and Rick Green. 1997 Macmillan Canada
LeGrow, Chris. 1998 Breakwater Books
Jeffers, Alan, and Rob Gordon. 1998 Nimbus Publishing
Zimmermann, Karl. 1999 The Boston Mills Press
Steed, Roger G. 1999 Vanwell Publishing
Ruffman, Alan. 1999 Formac Publishing Company
Render, Shirley. 1999 Douglas & McIntyre
Parsons, Robert. 1999 Creative Book Publishing
Norris, Pat Wastell. 1999 Harbour Publishing
McCaughan, Michael. 1999 McGill-Queen's University Press