The Canadian Regulation of Offshore Installations |
Yoder, Christian G.
1985 |
Canadian Institute of Resources Law
The Early Atlantic Salmon Fishery in Newfoundland and Labrador |
Taylor, V.R.
1985 |
Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Power at What Cost?: Why Ontario Hydro Is Out of Control |
Solomon, Lawrence
1984 |
Energy Probe Research Foundation
Water Law and Policy Issues in Canada: Report on a Workshop for the Inquiry on Federal Water Policy, Toronto, May 31-June 1, 1984 |
Rueggeberg, Harriet, and Andrew R. Thompson
1984 |
Westwater Research Centre, University of British Columbia
Arctic Whalers, Icy Seas: Narratives of the Davis Strait Whale Fishery |
Ross, W. Gillies
1985 |
Irwin Publishing
The Origins of Public Enterprise in the Canadian Mineral Sector: Three Provincial Case Studies |
Prince, Michael J., and G. Bruce Doern
1985 |
Centre for Resource Studies, Queen's University
Energy Probe's Statistical Handbook: The Other Energy Pie |
Poch, David I.
1985 |
Energy Probe Research Foundation
Sunwings: The Harrowsmith Guide to Solar Addition Architecture |
Mohr, Merilyn
1985 |
Camden House Publishing
Mining Productivity: Proceedings of the 13th CRS Policy Discussion Seminar |
1985 |
Centre for Resource Studies, Queen's University
Origins and Meaning of Section 92A: The 1982 Constitutional Amendment on Resources |
Meekison, J. Peter, Roy J. Romanow, and William D. Moull
1985 |
The Institute for Research on Public Policy
Heritage Lost: The Crisis in Canada's Forests |
MacKay, Donald
1985 |
Macmillan of Canada
A Review of the Limnology and Sockeye Salmon Ecology of Babine Lake |
Levy, David A., and Kenneth J. Hall
1985 |
Westwater Research Centre, University of British Columbia
Biology and Management of Surf Smelt in Burrard Inlet, Vancouver, B.C. |
Levy, David A.
1985 |
Westwater Research Centre, University of British Columbia
Environmental Anarchy: The Insidious Destruction of Social Order; A Legacy of the Sixties |
Keenan, Charles J.
1984 |
Cappis Press
Promoting Timber Cropping: Policies toward Non-Industrial Forest Owners in New Brunswick |
Huber, Paul B.
1985 |
The Institute for Research on Public Policy
Seal Wars |
Henke, Janice Scott
1985 |
Breakwater Books
Golden Giant: Hemlo and the Rush for Canada's Gold |
Hart, Matthew
1985 |
Douglas & McIntyre
Stumped: The Forest Industry in Transition |
Drushka, Ken
1985 |
Douglas & McIntyre
The Politics of Energy: The Development and Implementation of the NEP |
Doern, G. Bruce, and Glen Toner
1985 |
Methuen Publications
Canadian Mining Taxation: Proceedings of the Fourteenth CRS Policy Discussion Seminar, November 5-7, 1984, Kingston, Ontario |
1985 |
Centre for Resource Studies, Queen's University
Canada's Energy: International Apects; The Report of a Working Group of the CIIA |
1985 |
Canadian Institute of International Affairs
The War against the Seals: A History of the North American Seal Fishery |
Busch, Briton Cooper
1985 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
No Immediate Danger?: Prognosis for a Radioactive Earth |
Bertell, Rosalie
1985 |
Women's Educational Press
Oil and Gas Conservation on Canada Lands |
Anderson, Owen L.
1985 |
Canadian Institute of Resources Law, University of Calgary
Weeds and Seeds: A Gardener's Companion |
Weis, Peter
1985 |
Horsdal & Schubart Publishers