Search Results

37917 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Snowie, J. Allan 1983 Boston Mills Press
1983 Heritage House
Bromke, Adam 1983 Mosaic Press
1983 Wilfrid Laurier University Press
DeWitt, David B., and John J. Kirton 1983 John Wiley & Sons Canada
Fotheringham, Allan 1983 Seal Books
Harrison, J. Frank 1983 Black Rose Books
Kernaghan, Kenneth, and Olivia Kuper 1983 Institute of Public Administration of Canada
McRae, Kenneth D. 1983 Wilfrid Laurier University Press
1983 Mosaic Press
1983 Black Rose Books
1983 University of Toronto Press
Morley, J. Terence and others 1983 Douglas & McIntyre
Roche, Douglas 1983 NC Press
Schepe, Gerhard 1983 Centre for International Relations, Queen's University
Wiseman, Nelson 1983 University of Manitoba Press
1983 Minister of Supply and Services Canada
Crystal, Mark Melvin 1983 IPI Publishing and Methuen Publications
Keene, Judith 1983 Carswell
Kronby, Malcolm C. 1983 General Publishing
Miron, J.R., and J.B. Cullingworth 1983 Centre for Urban and Community Studies, University of Toronto
Murdoch, Derrick 1983 Doubleday Canada
Parker, Graham 1983 Methuen Publications
Wakeling, Audrey A. 1983 International Self-Counsel Press
Block, Walter 1983 The Fraser Institute