Letters from Nova Scotia |
Moorsom, William Scarth
1986 |
Oberon Press
The Montreal Story Tellers: Memoirs, Photographs, Critical Essays |
1985 |
Véhicule Press
Wilderness Dream: Glimpses of Pioneer Life in British Columbia |
McNamara, Jeannette Beaubien
1986 |
Braemar Books
Braehead: Three Founding Families in Nineteenth Century Canada |
MacLaren, Sherrill
1986 |
McClelland & Stewart
A Funny Way to Run a Country: Further Memoirs of a Political Voyeur |
Lynch, Charles
1986 |
Hurtig Publishers
Rare Jewel for a King: A Tribute to King Clancy |
Logan, Anne M.
1986 |
Boston Mills Press
The Fiber Link |
Loban, Gillian
1986 |
The author
Pattison: Portrait of a Capitalist Superstar |
Kelly, Russell
1986 |
New Star Books
The Shattered Badge: The Story of Ed Donovan, Stress Cop |
Kankewitt, Bill
1986 |
Methuen Publications
Up The Hill |
Johnston, Donald J.
1986 |
Optimum Publishing
E.C. Drury: Agrarian Idealist |
Johnston, Charles M.
1986 |
University of Toronto Press
Stef: A Biography of Vilhjalmur Stefansson |
Hunt, William R.
1986 |
University of British Columbia Press
Fragments of War: Stories from Survivors of World War II |
Hibbert, Joyce
1985 |
Dundurn Press
Misadventures of a Fly Fisherman: My Life With and Without Pops |
Hemingway, Jack
1986 |
Key Porter Books
Kooks and Dukes, Counts and No-Accounts: Why Newspapers Do What They Do |
Heine, William C.
1986 |
Hurtig Publishers
Sam Hughes: The Public Career of a Controversial Canadian, 1885-1916 |
Haycock, Ronald G.
1986 |
Wilfrid Laurier University Press in collaboration with Canadian War Museum, Canadian Museum of Civilization, National Museums of Canada
Don Valley Legacy: A Pioneer History |
Guthrie, Ann
1986 |
Boston Mills Press
Melanie Klein: Her World and Her Work |
Grosskurth, Phyllis
1986 |
McClelland & Stewart
Khadafy |
Gregory, Harry
1986 |
The Laughter of Love: A Study of Robert Burns |
Grant, Raymond J.S.
1986 |
Detselig Enterprises
Close to the Charisma: My Years Between the Press and Pierre Elliott Trudeau |
Gossage, Patrick
1986 |
McClelland & Stewart
Working Without a Net: My Intimate Memoirs |
Gordon, Lynne
1986 |
McClelland & Stewart
Road to Victory: Winston S. Churchill, 1941-1945 |
Gilbert, Martin
1986 |
Frank D. Underhill: Intellectual Provocateur |
Francis, R. Douglas
1986 |
University of Toronto Press
Meeting of Generals |
Foster, Tony
1986 |
Methuen Publications