Search Results

585 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Moorsom, William Scarth 1986 Oberon Press
1985 Véhicule Press
McNamara, Jeannette Beaubien 1986 Braemar Books
MacLaren, Sherrill 1986 McClelland & Stewart
Lynch, Charles 1986 Hurtig Publishers
Logan, Anne M. 1986 Boston Mills Press
Loban, Gillian 1986 The author
Kelly, Russell 1986 New Star Books
Kankewitt, Bill 1986 Methuen Publications
Johnston, Donald J. 1986 Optimum Publishing
Johnston, Charles M. 1986 University of Toronto Press
Hunt, William R. 1986 University of British Columbia Press
Hibbert, Joyce 1985 Dundurn Press
Hemingway, Jack 1986 Key Porter Books
Heine, William C. 1986 Hurtig Publishers
Haycock, Ronald G. 1986 Wilfrid Laurier University Press in collaboration with Canadian War Museum, Canadian Museum of Civilization, National Museums of Canada
Guthrie, Ann 1986 Boston Mills Press
Grosskurth, Phyllis 1986 McClelland & Stewart
Gregory, Harry 1986 Paperjacks
Grant, Raymond J.S. 1986 Detselig Enterprises
Gossage, Patrick 1986 McClelland & Stewart
Gordon, Lynne 1986 McClelland & Stewart
Gilbert, Martin 1986 Stoddart
Francis, R. Douglas 1986 University of Toronto Press
Foster, Tony 1986 Methuen Publications