Search Results

585 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
1986 Wilfrid Laurier University Press in association with the Canadian Corporation of Studies in Religion
1986 Wilfrid Laurier University Press in association with the Canadian Corporation of Studies in Religion
Tuele, Nicholas, and Liane Davison 1986 Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Tolmie, Ken 1986 Oberon Press
Till, Barry 1986 Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Till, Barry, and Paula Swart 1986 Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
Tausky, Nancy Z., and Lynne DiStefano 1986 University of Toronto Press
Smith, H.M. Scott 1986 Boston Mills Press
Shilling, Arthur 1986 Tundra Books
Roberts, David 1986 Detselig Enterprises
Lindsay, John C. 1986 Boston Mills Press
Jeffery, Susanne 1986 Key Porter Books
Duffek, Karen 1986 University of British Columbia Press in association with the UBC Museum of Anthropology
Du Vernet, Christopher 1986 International Self-Counsel Press
Dommasch, Hans S. 1986 Western Producer Prairie Books
Burnett, David 1986 McClelland & Stewart in co-operation with the Art Gallery of Ontario
Arthur, Eric 1986 University of Toronto Press
Woods, Shirley E. 1986 Macmillan of Canada
Whittaker, Roger, and Natalie Whittaker 1986 Macmillan of Canada
Whitebone, Russ 1986 Fiddlehead Poetry Books and Goose Lane Editions
Whelan, Eugene, with Rick Archbold 1986 Irwin Publishing
Velleman, Alexander 1986 Canada's Wings
Sketch, Ralph 1986 NC Press
O'Sullivan, Sean, with Rod McQueen 1986 Key Porter Books
Morely, Patricia 1986 Macmillan of Canada