There Is Music in a Pussycat |
Thompson, Richard.
1999 |
Fitzhenry & Whiteside
Don't Be Scared, Eleven |
Thompson, Richard.
1993 |
Annick Press
Jill and the Jogero |
Thompson, Richard.
1992 |
Annick Press
Tell Me One Good Thing: Bedtime Stories |
Thompson, Richard.
1992 |
Annick Press
Maggee and the Lake Minder |
Thompson, Richard.
1991 |
Annick Press
Zoe and the Mysterious X |
Thompson, Richard.
1990 |
Annick Press
Thistle Broth |
Thompson, Richard.
1992 |
Orca Book Publishers
Tell Me One Good Thing: Bedtime Stories |
Thompson, Richard.
1992 |
Annick Press
Jill and the Jogero |
Thompson, Richard.
1992 |
Annick Press
Maggee and the Lake Minder |
Thompson, Richard.
1991 |
Annick Press
Zoe and the Mysterious X |
Thompson, Richard.
1990 |
Annick Press
Jesse on the Night Train |
Thompson, Richard.
1990 |
Annick Press
Frog's Riddle and Other Draw-and-Tell Stories |
Thompson, Richard.
1990 |
Annick Press
The Night Walker |
Thompson, Richard.
2002 |
Fitzhenry & Whiteside
The Follower |
Thompson, Richard.
2000 |
Fitzhenry & Whiteside
Who |
Thompson, Richard.
1993 |
Orca Book Publishers
Don't Be Scared, Eleven |
Thompson, Richard.
1993 |
Annick Press
Cold Night, Brittle Light |
Thompson, Richard.
1994 |
Orca Book Publishers
There Is Music in a Pussycat |
Thompson, Richard.
1999 |
Fitzhenry & Whiteside
The Gas Tank of My Heart: Tales from the Vast Northern Prairie |
Thompson, Richard.
1991 |
Caitlin Press
The Ice Cream Bucket Effect |
Thompson, Richard.
1993 |
Caitlin Press