Search Results

131 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Fletcher, Susan, and Leroy O. Stone 1982 Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Supply and Services Canada
Quinn, David B. 1981 National Museums of Canada
Parke-Taylor, Michael 1982 Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, University of Regina
Adaskin, Harry 1982 November House
1982 Canadian Library Association
Statistics Canada 1983 Minister of Supply and Services Canada
Rashid, A. 1983 Consumer Income and Expenditure Division, Statistics Canada
Bishop, Carroll Atwater 1984 Temenos Productions
1984 Ontario Crafts Council
Till, Barry 1983 Art Gallery of Greater Victoria
1984 Canadian Library Association
Beckman, Margaret, Stephen Langmead, and John Black 1984 Dundurn Press
1984 Outcrop The Northern Publishers
1984 Outcrop The Northern Publishers
Saywell, Shelley 1985 Viking Canada
Heidbreder, Robert 1985 Oxford University Press
Halvorson, Marilyn 1985 Irwin
University of Waterloo Library 1984 University of Waterloo Library
Ontario Genealogical Society 1985 Ontario Genealogical Society
Evans, Karen, comp 1985 Anglican Book Centre
Anglin, Lise 1985 Addiction Research Foundation
1986 Multicultural History Society of Ontario
1986 The Institute for Research on Public Policy
1987 Freelance Editors' Association of Canada/Association canadienne des pigistes de l'edition
1986 Canadian Library Association