Search Results

119 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Wolff, Elana. 2006 Guernica Editions
Tihanyi, Eva. 2005 Black Moss Press
Berry, Julie. 1995 Brick Books
1999 United Church Publishing House
Summerfeldt, Vicki. 1997 Thistledown Press
Allen, Lillian. 1993 Women's Press
Wall, Kathleen. 1991 Turnstone Press
Arnott, Joanne. 1991 Press Gang Publishers
2003 Oberon Press
2003 Oberon Press
Cadeau, Charmaine. 2004 Goose Lane Editions
Kalman, Bobbie. 2000 Crabtree Publishing
Kalman, Bobbie. 2000 Crabtree Publishing
LePan, Douglas 1987 McClelland & Stewart
Spicer, Maggee, and Richard Thompson. 2001 Fitzhenry & Whiteside
Flaming, P.J. 1994 Broken Jaw Press
Hornosty, Cornelia. 1991 Borealis Press
Hornosty, Cornelia. 1991 Borealis Press
Morton, Wendy. 2003 Ekstasis Editions
Baigent, Beryl. 1996 Moonstone Press
Von Konigslow, Andrea Wayne 1985 Annick Press
Ruvinsky, Joan. 1996 J. Gordon Shillingford Publishing
Montero, Gloria 1985 James Lorimer & Co.
1982 Greey de Pencier Books
Tostevin, Lola Lemire. 2008 Innana Publications and Education