You Speak to Me in Trees |
Wolff, Elana.
2006 |
Guernica Editions
Wresting the Grace of the World |
Tihanyi, Eva.
2005 |
Black Moss Press
Worn Thresholds |
Berry, Julie.
1995 |
Brick Books
World Peas and Other Ways to Make a Difference |
1999 |
United Church Publishing House
Women Who Dream Tigers |
Summerfeldt, Vicki.
1997 |
Thistledown Press
Women Do This Every Day: Selected Poems of Lillian Allen |
Allen, Lillian.
1993 |
Women's Press
Without Benefit of Words |
Wall, Kathleen.
1991 |
Turnstone Press
Wiles of Girlhood |
Arnott, Joanne.
1991 |
Press Gang Publishers
When I Was a Child |
2003 |
Oberon Press
When I Was a Child |
2003 |
Oberon Press
What You Used to Wear |
Cadeau, Charmaine.
2004 |
Goose Lane Editions
What Is a Community?: From A to Z |
Kalman, Bobbie.
2000 |
Crabtree Publishing
What Is a Community?: From A to Z |
Kalman, Bobbie.
2000 |
Crabtree Publishing
Weathering It: Complete Poems 1948-1987 |
LePan, Douglas
1987 |
McClelland & Stewart
We'll All Go Sailing |
Spicer, Maggee, and Richard Thompson.
2001 |
Fitzhenry & Whiteside
Voir Dire |
Flaming, P.J.
1994 |
Broken Jaw Press
Voice with Flowers |
Hornosty, Cornelia.
1991 |
Borealis Press
Voice with Flowers |
Hornosty, Cornelia.
1991 |
Borealis Press
Undercover |
Morton, Wendy.
2003 |
Ekstasis Editions
Triptych: Virgins, Victims, Votives |
Baigent, Beryl.
1996 |
Moonstone Press
Toilet Tales |
Von Konigslow, Andrea Wayne
1985 |
Annick Press
This Wind |
Ruvinsky, Joan.
1996 |
J. Gordon Shillingford Publishing
The Summer the Wales Sang |
Montero, Gloria
1985 |
James Lorimer & Co.
The OWL Fun Book |
1982 |
Greey de Pencier Books
The Other Sister. |
Tostevin, Lola Lemire.
2008 |
Innana Publications and Education