Search Results

36 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Stabler, M.R. Olfert, Murray Fulton 1992 Canadian Plains Research Center
Bellan, Ruben 1986 McClelland & Stewart
Carroll, William K. 1986 University of British Columbia Press
Friesen, John W. 1993 Detselig Enterprises
Grabb, Edward G. 1984 Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada
Higgins, Benjamin. 1992 McGill-Queen's University Press
Jagpal, Sarjeet Singh. 1994 Harbour Publishing
Kashmeri, Zuhair. 1991 James Lorimer & Co.
Kuyek, Joan Newman. 1990 Black Rose Books
Kuyek, Joan Newman. 1990 Black Rose Books
Lee, Enid 1985 Cross Cultural Communication Centre
Lesemann, Frederic 1984 Black Rose Books
McAll, Christopher. 1990 McGill-Queen's University Press
McRae, Kenneth D. 1986 Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Newman, Lynda H. 1984 Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg
Pal, Leslie A. 1993 McGill-Queen's University Press
Philip, M. Nourbese. 1992 Mercury Press
Rosenberg, Louis. 1993 McGill-Queen's University Press
Rosenberg, Louis. 1993 McGill-Queen's University Press
Sarlo, Christopher A. 1992 The Fraser Institute
Schlesinger, Benjamin 1982 Guidance Centre, Faculty of Education, University of Toronto
Shaw, R. Paul 1985 NC Press
Statistics Canada 1983 Minister of Supply and Services Canada
Thordarson, Bruce. 1990 North-South Institute
Wineman, Steven 1985 Black Rose Books