Search Results

42 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Andrews, Elias 1985 Lancelot Press
Bender, Urie, A. 1984 Hyperion Press
Bickerstaff, Isaac 1982 Lester & Orpen Dennys
Birdsell, Sandra 1982 Turnstone Press
Bumsted, J.M. 1984 Lancelot Press
Clarke, Ronald 1984 Anglican Book Centre
Courtney, Richard 1982 OISE Press
Darroch, Vivian 1984 Sono Nis Press
Deshusses, Jerome 1982 Deneau
Drysdale, I. Gordon 1984 Lancelot Press
Dunlop, Marilyn 1985 Irwin Publishing
Edinger, Edward F. 1986 Inter City Books
Fotheringham, Allan 1983 Seal Books
Fotheringham, Allan 1982 Key Porter Books
Goldenberg, Naomi Ruth 1982 University of Ottawa Press
Gosselin, Luc 1982 Black Rose Books
Gould, Allan, and Danny Siegel 1982 Hurtig
Hatfield, Bob, and Bruce Hatfield 1985 Wood Lake Books
John [sic] 1985 Wood Lake Books
Kroker, Arthur 1984 New World Perspectives
Lautens, Gary 1984 Methuen Publications
MacDonald, Andy 1985 Doubleday Canada
McNicoll, Andre 1982 Griffin House
Melançon, Marcel 1983 Tecumseh Press
Mol, Hans 1982 Wilfrid Laurier University Press