Surprised by Grace |
Andrews, Elias
1985 |
Lancelot Press
Stumbling Heavenward: The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man, Peter Rempel |
Bender, Urie, A.
1984 |
Hyperion Press
Friends, Hosers and Countrymen!: Canadian Caricatures |
Bickerstaff, Isaac
1982 |
Lester & Orpen Dennys
Night Travellers |
Birdsell, Sandra
1982 |
Turnstone Press
Henry Alline, 1748-1784 |
Bumsted, J.M.
1984 |
Lancelot Press
A Word in Time: Reflections for Daily Christian Living |
Clarke, Ronald
1984 |
Anglican Book Centre
Re-Play: Studies of Human Drama in Education |
Courtney, Richard
1982 |
OISE Press
Voice of Hearing |
Darroch, Vivian
1984 |
Sono Nis Press
The Eighth Night of Creation: Life on the Edge of Human History |
Deshusses, Jerome
1982 |
Characters Including Me |
Drysdale, I. Gordon
1984 |
Lancelot Press
Understanding Cancer: An Invaluable Book for Cancer Patients and Their Families |
Dunlop, Marilyn
1985 |
Irwin Publishing
The Bible and the Psyche: Individuation Symbolism in the Old Testament |
Edinger, Edward F.
1986 |
Inter City Books
Look Ma... No Hands: An Affectioinate Look at Our Wonderful Tories |
Fotheringham, Allan
1983 |
Seal Books
Malice in Blunderland: or How the Grits Stole Christmas |
Fotheringham, Allan
1982 |
Key Porter Books
The End of God: Important Directions for a Feminist Critique of Religion in the Works of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung |
Goldenberg, Naomi Ruth
1982 |
University of Ottawa Press
Prisons in Canada |
Gosselin, Luc
1982 |
Black Rose Books
The Unorthodox Book of Jewish Records & Lists |
Gould, Allan, and Danny Siegel
1982 |
Matters of Life & Death |
Hatfield, Bob, and Bruce Hatfield
1985 |
Wood Lake Books
Faith, Hope and Sobriety |
John [sic]
1985 |
Wood Lake Books
technology and the Canadian Mind: Innis/McLuhan/Grant |
Kroker, Arthur
1984 |
New World Perspectives
How Pierre and I Saved the Civilized world |
Lautens, Gary
1984 |
Methuen Publications
Tell Pa I'm Dead |
MacDonald, Andy
1985 |
Doubleday Canada
Catholic Cults |
McNicoll, Andre
1982 |
Griffin House
Albert Camus: An Analysis of His Thought |
Melançon, Marcel
1983 |
Tecumseh Press
The Firm and the Formless: Religion and Identity in Aboriginal Australia |
Mol, Hans
1982 |
Wilfrid Laurier University Press