Stumbling Heavenward: The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man, Peter Rempel |
Bender, Urie, A.
1984 |
Hyperion Press
Surprised by Grace |
Andrews, Elias
1985 |
Lancelot Press
technology and the Canadian Mind: Innis/McLuhan/Grant |
Kroker, Arthur
1984 |
New World Perspectives
Tell Pa I'm Dead |
MacDonald, Andy
1985 |
Doubleday Canada
The Anglican Tradition |
1984 |
Anglican Book Centre
The Bible and the Psyche: Individuation Symbolism in the Old Testament |
Edinger, Edward F.
1986 |
Inter City Books
The Eighth Night of Creation: Life on the Edge of Human History |
Deshusses, Jerome
1982 |
The End of God: Important Directions for a Feminist Critique of Religion in the Works of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung |
Goldenberg, Naomi Ruth
1982 |
University of Ottawa Press
The Firm and the Formless: Religion and Identity in Aboriginal Australia |
Mol, Hans
1982 |
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
The Fixed and the Fickle: Religion and Identity in New Zealand |
Mol, Hans
1982 |
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
The Heart Renewed: Journey to Wholeness through Open Heart Surgery |
Watt, J. Robert
1987 |
G.R. Welch Company
The Leacock Medal Treasury: 4 Decades of the Best of Canadian Humour |
1984 |
Lester & Orpen Dennys
The Official Handbook of the Muskrat Corner Ladies Garden & Sewer Club, which Also Includes The Official Song Book, Cook Book, Joke Book & Compendulum of Many Helpfull Household Hints..., Edited by Agnes Brewhead |
Reed, Donn
1982 |
Brook Farm Books
The Unorthodox Book of Jewish Records & Lists |
Gould, Allan, and Danny Siegel
1982 |
Two Worlds in One: Learning to Live in Our Present World as if We Lived in God's Kingdom |
Taylor, James
1985 |
Wood Lake Books
Understanding Cancer: An Invaluable Book for Cancer Patients and Their Families |
Dunlop, Marilyn
1985 |
Irwin Publishing
Voice of Hearing |
Darroch, Vivian
1984 |
Sono Nis Press