Surviving as Indians: The Challenge of Self-Government |
Boldt, Menno.
1993 |
University of Toronto Press
Surviving as Indians: The Challenge of Self-Government |
Boldt, Menno.
1993 |
University of Toronto Press
Too Good to be True: Alcan's Kemano Completion Project |
Christensen, Bev.
1995 |
Canada's First Nations: A History of Founding Peoples from Earliest Times |
Dickason, Olive Patricia.
1992 |
McClelland & Stewart
River of Tears |
Emery, Maud.
1992 |
Hancock House Publishers
Victims of Benevolence: The Dark Legacy of the Williams Lake Residential School |
Furniss, Elizabeth.
1995 |
Arsenal Pulp Press
A Nation Within a Nation: Dependency and the Cree |
Gagné, Marie-Anik.
1994 |
Black Rose Books
A Nation Within a Nation: Dependency and the Cree |
Gagné, Marie-Anik.
1994 |
Black Rose Books
The Ojibwa of Western Canada, 1780 to 1870 |
Peers, Laura.
1994 |
University of Manitoba Press
The Ojibwa of Western Canada, 1780 to 1870 |
Peers, Laura.
1994 |
University of Manitoba Press
Voices from Odeyak |
Posluns, Michael.
1993 |
NC Press
For an Amerindian Autohistory: An Essay on the Foundations of a Social Ethic |
Sioui, Georges E.
1992 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Blood of the Land: The Government and Corporate War Against First Nations |
Weyler, Rex.
1992 |
New Society Publishers
First Nations Education in Canada: The Circle Unfolds |
1995 |
UBC Press
Law and Aboriginal Peoples of Canada |
1992 |
Captus Press