Search Results

47 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
Francis, Daniel 1992 Arsenal Pulp Press
1994 Between the Lines
Loptson, Peter. 1995 Broadview Press
1993 Canadian Council on Social Development
Pockington, T.C. 1991 Canadian Plains Research Center
O'Reilly-Fleming, Thomas. 1993 Canadian Scholars' Press
Northcott, Herbert C. 1997 Detselig Enterprises
Tracey, Lindalee. 1993 Douglas & McIntyre
Cole, Douglas. 1990 Douglas & McIntyre
Huang, Evelyn. 1992 Douglas & McIntyre
1993 Dundurn Press
Jakubowski, Lisa Marie. 1997 Fernwood Publishing
Dei, George Jerry Sefa. 1996 Fernwood Publishing
Bishop, Anne. 1994 Fernwood Publishing
D'Alfonso, Antonio. 1996 Guernica Editions
Anselmi, William, and Kosta Gouliamos. 1999 Guernica Editions
Moore, Kermot A. 1982 Highway Book Shop
Kennedy, John C. 1982 Institute of Social and Economic Research, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Peters, Evelyn J. 1984 Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg
Conway, John Frederick. 1990 James Lorimer & Co.
Conway, John Frederick. 1990 James Lorimer & Co.
1993 McClelland & Stewart
Monet, Don. 1992 New Society Publishers
Collier, Ken. 1993 New Star Books
Shorten, Lynda. 1991 NeWest Press