Learning to Fly in Canada |
Hobbs, Chris.
2000 |
Detselig Enterprises
Maritime Mysteries: And the Ghosts Who Surround Us |
Jessome, Bill.
1999 |
Nimbus Publishing
The Man Who Loved Schooners |
Boudreau, R.L.
2000 |
Nimbus Publishing
Men Lie |
Maxwell, David.
2000 |
Insomniac Press
The Collected Works of Max Haines, Vol. 4: 1993-1995 |
Haines, Max.
2000 |
Penguin Books Canada
Lost Sanity |
Kelln, Brad.
2001 |
Insomniac Press
The Dominion of Wyley McFadden |
Gardiner, Scott.
2000 |
Random House of Canada
Data Trash: The Theory of the Virtual Class |
Kroker, Arthur, and Michael A. Weinstein.
1994 |
New World Perspectives
The Modern Canoe: A Practical Guide to Woodstrip/Resin Construction |
Pellerin, Stephen, and Ted Bissland.
1994 |
Doubleday Canada
Flying the Frontiers: A Half-million Hours of Aviation Adventure |
Matheson, Shirlee Smith.
1994 |
Fifth House
The Man and the Ship |
Lawrence, W.D.
1994 |
Lancelot Press
Missing: Presumed Dead |
Hawkins, James.
2001 |
Dundurn Press
Red Moon |
Lemieux, Jean.
1994 |
Cormorant Books
No Cause of Death |
Fontana, James.
1994 |
Mercury Press
Flying the Frontiers, Vol. 2: More Hours of Aviation Adventure! |
Matheson, Shirlee Smith.
1996 |
Detselig Enterprises
Landscapes of the Interior: Re-Explorations of Nature and the Human Spirit |
Gayton, Don.
1996 |
New Society Publishers
Heartbreaker |
Gough, Laurence.
1995 |
McClelland & Stewart
Raincoast Chronicles 18: Stories and History of the British Columbia Coast |
1998 |
Harbour Publishing
Emerald City |
Munsey, Terence.
1998 |
Munsey Music
Navigating in Cyberspace: A Guide to the Next Millennium |
Ogden, Frank.
1995 |
Macfarlane Walter & Ross
Building a Birchbark Canoe: The Algonquin Wâbanäki Tcîmân |
Gidmark, David.
1994 |
Vanwell Publishing
Scarlet Riders: Pulp Fiction Tales of the Mounties |
1998 |
Mosaic Press
Heart of the Raincoast: A Life Story |
Morton, Alexandra, and Billy Proctor.
1998 |
Horsdal & Schubart Publishers
Destination Cortez Island |
Cameron, June.
1999 |
Heritage House Publishing
The Essential Guide to Buying and Selling a Car in Canada |
Pape, Kendrew, and Mel Wise.
1998 |
Prentice-Hall Canada