The Canadian Small Business Owner's Guide to Financial Independence: A Comprehensive Retirement and Succession Planning Guide for Professionals and Small Business Owners. |
McNulty, Barry, and Mark McNulty.
2006 |
Insomniac Press
The British Columbia Wine Companion |
Schreiner, John.
1996 |
Orca Book Publishers
The British Columbia Seasonal Cookbook. |
Ogle, Jennifer, Eric Pateman, and James Darcy.
2007 |
Lone Pine Publishing
The Blue Flames That Keep Us Warm. |
McCardell, Mike.
2007 |
Harbour Publishing
The Betty Jane Wylie Cheese Cookbook |
Wylie, Betty Jane
1984 |
Oxford University Press
The Best Gluten-Free Family Cookbook |
Washburn, Donna, and Heather Butt.
2005 |
Robert Rose Inc.
The Best Cookies and Bars and Christmas Baking |
Phelan, Ruth, and Brenda Thompson.
2004 |
Whitecap Books
The BC Fact Book |
Zuehlke, Mark.
1995 |
Whitecap Books
The BC Almanac Book of Greatest British Columbians |
Forsythe, Mark, and Greg Dickson.
2005 |
Harbour Publishing
The Ambitious City: A History of the City of North Vancouver. |
Sommer, Warren.
2007 |
Harbour Publishing
Taxation Glossary |
Bernard, Yolande.
1990 |
Canadian Government
Tales from the West Coast: Smugglers, Sea Monsters, and Other Stories |
Mason, Adrienne.
2003 |
Altitude Publishing Canada
Tales from the Galley: Stories of the Working Waterfront. |
Armitage, Doreen.
2007 |
Harbour Publishing
Surveying Northern British Columbia: A Photojournal of Frank Swannell |
Sherwood, Jay.
2004 |
Caitlin Press
Sunshine and Salt Air: Sunshine Coast Recreation and Visitor's Guide. 5th ed. |
Carson, Bryan.
2001 |
Harbour Publishing
Strathcona: Vancouver's First Neighbourhood |
Atkin, John.
1994 |
Whitecap Books
Sternwheelers and Canyon Cats |
Boudreau, Jack.
2006 |
Caitlin Press
Stella: Unrepentant Madam |
Eversole, Linda J.
2005 |
TouchWood Editions
Staying Afloat in a Sea of Recession: The Canadian Guide to Small Business Survival |
Lenko, E.T.
1991 |
McGraw-Hill Ryerson
Start and Run a Consulting Business. 6th ed. |
Gray, Douglas A.
2002 |
Self-Counsel Press
Sonata Form: An Introduction |
Hill, Cecil
1987 |
Detselig Enterprises
Solo Chef: Recipes, Tips, Advice and Encouragement for Single Cooks |
Wylie, Betty Jane.
1997 |
Macmillan Canada
Small City in a Big Valley: The Story of Duncan |
Henry, Tom.
1999 |
Harbour Publishing
Sit Down and Drink Your Beer: Regulating Vancouver's Beer Parlours, 1925-1954 |
Campbell, Robert A.
2001 |
University of Toronto Press
Sit Down and Drink Your Beer: Regulating Vancouver's Beer Parlours, 1925-1954 |
Campbell, Robert A.
2001 |
University of Toronto Press