The Great Tax Rip-Off


164 pages
ISBN 0-7710-2885-7




Reviewed by Robert B. Shortly

Robert B. Shortly was a chartered accountant in Toronto.


The author is a well-known tax commentator who has contributed to numerous business and law publications, was the former Chief of the Personal Tax Section, Tax Policy Branch of the Department of Finance, and currently edits two tax newsletters. His writing style is fluid and easy to read even for the non-tax-practitioner.

The infamous MacEachen Budget of November 12, 1981, is the focus of the book, specifically those areas that directly affected most individuals and small business. The major topics include Background Business, The Tax Reform, The Tax System Made Easy, Changes Affecting All Individuals, The Employee, The Small Businessman, The Investor, and the Retiree.

The book was written in December 1981, and since then a large number of the budget proposals have been modified or repealed and Mr. MacEachen has been replaced by Mr. Lalonde. Nevertheless, the book still serves a purpose by informing the average person just how devious the government can be. Remember: MacEachen’s major tax changes were in the name of equity. Drache clearly indicates this in fact was not the case.


Drache, Arthur B.C., “The Great Tax Rip-Off,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed September 16, 2024,