The No-Bull Guide to Getting Published and Making It as a Writer


151 pages
ISBN 0-921199-06-6





Reviewed by L.J. Rouse

L.J. Rouse was a freelance writer in Toronto.


Nearly everyone seems to feel that he or she could make a go of it as a professional writer; the only problem seems to be getting started.

According to Michelle West, herself a successful writer, nearly everyone could get published, if he/she went about the business correctly. West is, moreover, prepared to go on record by stating what constitutes “correctly.” There aren’t all that many rules, and until now, many of them seem to have fallen into the category of “unwritten,” to be laboriously rediscovered all over again by each and every aspirant. Most of West’s advice is down-to-earth common sense, with a liberal dash of insight her experience as a writer and editor have given her.

This is not a “how to write” book. That one can indeed write, is taken for granted. The aspiring author is told how to find the appropriate market for his/her work; how to address a query to the editor (why write it if it won’t sell?); which magazines not to tackle first and why; the correct appearance for a manuscript; what records to keep; the importance of the contract, etc.

It’s all clearly written, and entirely understandable. West promises that if you follow her directions, you may share her success. She includes order forms so that you may ensure your friends’ success as well, at reduced rates. A useful handbook for beginning free-lancers.



West, Michelle, “The No-Bull Guide to Getting Published and Making It as a Writer,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed October 22, 2024,