Animal Tracks of the Rockies
Contains Illustrations, Bibliography, Index
ISBN 1-55105-089-7
DDC 591.47'9
Sandy Campbell is a reference librarian in the Science and Technology Library at the University of Alberta.
the tracks of more than 60 species found in the Rocky Mountains from
Santa Fe north. The species listed are predominantly mammals, but there
are also tracks of some birds and amphibians. In this is largely
scientifically based work, Ian Sheldon has injected a bit of whimsy by
including the Sasquatch as the last mammalian entry.
The tracks of each animal are presented on facing pages. The first page
contains a drawing of the footprint along with information about normal
length, width, weight, and so on; a second drawing shows a series of
prints as they would appear if the animal were walking or running. On
the facing page, there is a small drawing of the animal and a
two-paragraph description of the tracks.
The animal drawings by Gary Ross and Horst Kraus are detailed and well
executed, as are Sheldon’s drawings of the tracks. At the end of the
guide, many of the tracks are presented in a series of columns for easy
comparison. Recommended for school, public, and academic libraries in
the Rocky Mountain region, and for research libraries that support
natural history collections.