Easy for You to Say: Q & As for Teens Living with Chronic Illness or Disability


292 pages
Contains Index
ISBN 1-55013-619-4
DDC 362.1'96'00835





Reviewed by Jane Heath

Jane Heath is a psychology instructor at Ryerson Polytechnical


The author of this book is a staff physician with the Division of
Adolescent Medicine at the Hospital for Sick Children and an assistant
professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Toronto.
Easy for You to Say addresses the concerns of adolescents living with
such chronic conditions as asthma, lupus, cancer, spina bifida, and
cystic fibrosis. Its question-and-answer format is organized around the
major concerns of adolescents, rather than according to the nature of
the chronic condition.

Among the issues addressed are family relationships, doctors and
medical concerns, friends and dating, school and work, alcohol, drugs
and medications, sexuality, recreation, and transitions (including death
and dying). The frank, straightforward, and comprehensive text reflects
a wide range of concerns, as well as sensitivity to adolescent needs for
acceptance and independence. There is much practical self-help advice,
and two appendixes. The first outlines drug and medication effects, side
effects, and interactions; the second is a brief guide to using
“Ability Online,” a computer network for young people with chronic
illness and disabilities. A glossary of technical terms and a detailed
index are also included.

The author’s tone is knowledgeable and informative, without being
overly formal or didactic. Adolescents with special needs and those who
work with, live with, or care for them will find this book comprehensive
and useful.


Kaufman, Miriam., “Easy for You to Say: Q & As for Teens Living with Chronic Illness or Disability,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed September 20, 2024, https://cbra.library.utoronto.ca/items/show/2161.