Cool: The Story of Ice Cream
Contains Photos, Illustrations, Bibliography, Index
ISBN 0-14-305258-6
DDC 641.8'62'09
Janet Arnett is the former campus manager of adult education at Ontario’s Georgian College. She is the author of Antiques and Collectibles: Starting Small, The Grange at Knock, and 673 Ways to Save Money.
Powell’s determined efforts at a cheerleader style go a long way
toward making this ramble somewhat palatable. Unfortunately, the book is
like a giant tub of ice cream: while the first bites are fun, it soon
proves to be too much, too cloying, and one pleads surfeit.
The book is a mix of history and memories, facts and myths culled from
around the globe. Countries and cultures, ancient and modern, all have
ice cream experiences to share. There are legends, anecdotes, testimony,
social history, nostalgia, even a few historical recipes. The work
wanders into the role of salt in ice cream production, the Victorian
iceman and the ice harvest in North America and Europe, the history of
iceboxes and refrigerators, soda fountains, ice cream parlours as
“dens of iniquity,” frozen soy desserts, and even ice cream for
The author’s extensive research is tediously flaunted, as if she’s
expecting a mark on a college essay. If so, a C-minus would be generous.
Dip in cautiously with a small spoon.