Quotations on the Great One: The Little Book of Wayne Gretzky


93 pages
Contains Bibliography, Index
ISBN 0-88978-258-X
DDC 796.962'092





Edited by Compiled by Allan Safarik and Dolores Reimer
Reviewed by Glynn A. Leyshon

Glynn A. Leyshon is a professor of physical education at the University
of Western Ontario, a former weekly columnist for the London Free Press,
and author of 18 Sporting Stories.


Quotations from Chairman Cherry, one of a series, consists of 82 pages
of acerbic comment by the rednecked hockey analyst of Hockey Night in
Canada, Don Cherry. Cherry, known as “Grapes” to the cognoscenti,
appeals without apology to the lunchpail-toting, beer-swilling,
blue-collar worker. His garbled syntax, dangling participles, and
appalling pronunciation have created such a following that now, like
former Chairman Mao, he has a little book of quotations. Aside from
hockey, Cherry feels free to comment on religion, immigration policy,
the use of European players, and his own sartorial elegance. Is this
egotism personified? Not to a hockey fan.

Setting a different tone is Quotations on the Great One. Every hockey
follower knows that the term “Great One” refers to Canada’s most
famous and world-recognized native son, Wayne Gretzky. He lives and
works in California, but, never mind, this book of quotations both by
and about him brings the Brantford native right into your pocket (the
book measures 4" x 3"), for what that is worth.

With comments from fans, owners, teammates, opposing goalies, and
coaches, as well as Gretzky himself, the tiny volume provides a glimpse
into the goldfish-bowl existence of the wealthy, talented player. The
book is mildly entertaining for the 15 minutes it takes to read.
Although there is nothing new or original in the book, as a potential
collector’s item it might appeal to fans of sports cards and other


“Quotations on the Great One: The Little Book of Wayne Gretzky,” Canadian Book Review Annual Online, accessed January 18, 2025, https://cbra.library.utoronto.ca/items/show/13913.