Search Results

260 result(s) found.

Title Author Year Publisher
McDonnell, Greg. 2007 Boston Mills Press
McDonnell, Greg. 2003 The Boston Mills Press
McDonnell, Greg. 1994 Stoddart Publishing
McDonnell, Greg. 1996 The Boston Mills Press
McCaughan, Michael. 1999 McGill-Queen's University Press
McCaffery, Dan. 2000 James Lorimer & Co.
McArthur, Keith. 2004 McClelland & Stewart
Matheson, Shirlee Smith. 2005 Fifth House
Matheson, Shirlee Smith. 1994 Fifth House
Matheson, Shirlee Smith. 1996 Detselig Enterprises
Matheson, Shirlee Smith. 1999 Detselig Enterprises
Marsters, Roger. 2002 Formac Publishing Company
Marcil, Eileen Reid. 1997 McClelland & Stewart
Mansbridge, Francis. 2002 Harbour Publishing
Maginley, Charles D., and Bernard Collin. 2001 Vanwell Publishing
Maginley, Charles D. 2004 Vanwell Publishing
Madar, Daniel R. 2000 UBC Press
Mackey, Frank. 2000 McGill-Queen's University Press
MacKay, Donald, and Lorne Perry. 1994 Douglas & McIntyre
MacInnis, Joseph. 1997 Macmillan Canada
MacDonald, Larry. 2001 John Wiley & Sons Canada
Lundy, Derek. 1998 Alfred A. Knopf Canada
Leonard, Frank. 1996 UBC Press
LeGrow, Chris. 1998 Breakwater Books
LeGrow, Chris. 1998 Breakwater Books