Here's Looking at Us: Celebrating Fifty Years of CBC-TV |
Cole, Stephen.
2002 |
McClelland & Stewart
A Picture by Christmas: Early CBC Television in Nova Scotia |
Harper, Bill.
2002 |
Nimbus Publishing
Global Television and Film: An Introduction to the Economics of the Business |
Hoskins, Colin, Stuart McFadyen, and Adam Finn.
1997 |
Oxford University Press Canada
Death by Television |
Johnston, Ian.
1998 |
Pottersfield Press
«Live at 5»: The Story Behind Its Success |
Murphy, Steve.
2002 |
Nimbus Publishing
Something New in the Air: The Story of First Peoples Television Broadcasting in Canada |
Roth, Lorna.
2005 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
Something New in the Air: The Story of First Peoples Television Broadcasting in Canada |
Roth, Lorna.
2005 |
McGill-Queen's University Press
When Television Was Young: Primetime Canada, 1952-1967 |
Rutherford, Paul.
1990 |
University of Toronto Press
When Television Was Young: Primetime Canada, 1952-1967 |
Rutherford, Paul.
1990 |
University of Toronto Press
On Location: Canada's Television Industry in a Global Market |
Tinic, Serra.
2005 |
University of Toronto Press
On Location: Canada's Television Industry in a Global Market |
Tinic, Serra.
2005 |
University of Toronto Press
The TV Book: The Kids' Guide to Talking Back |
Wallace, Shelagh.
1996 |
Annick Press
The Media Symplex: At the Edge of Meaning in the Age of Chaos |
Zingrone, Frank.
2001 |
Stoddart Publishing
Making It: The Business of Film and Television Production in Canada. Rev. ed. |
1995 |
Doubleday Canada