Young Men |
Smith, Russell.
1999 |
Doubleday Canada
You, Kwaznievski, You Piss Me Off |
Lavery, John.
2004 |
ECW Press
Yesterday's Children |
Barkhouse, Joyce.
1992 |
Lancelot Press
Writings by Western Icelandic Women |
1996 |
University of Manitoba Press
Writers Talking |
2003 |
The Porcupine's Quill
Write Turns: New Directions in Canadian Fiction |
2001 |
Raincoast Books
Write Across Canada: Mapping the Country in 19 Chapters |
Ottawa International Writers Festival.
2004 |
Nightwood Editions
World Body: Selected Stories, 4 |
Blaise, Clark.
2006 |
The Porcupine's Quill
Words on Ice: A Collection of Hockey Prose |
2003 |
Key Porter Books
Word of Mouth |
Farrant, M.A.C.
1996 |
Thistledown Press
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall: Stories |
Sandiford, Robert Edison.
1995 |
Empyreal Press
Winter in Montreal |
Corsi, Pietro.
2000 |
Guernica Editions
Window Dressing |
Bailey, Don.
1994 |
Oberon Press
Window Dressing |
Bailey, Don.
1994 |
Oberon Press
Windjammers and Bluenose Sailors |
McKay, Colin.
1993 |
Roseway Publishing
Will Ye Let the Mummers in? |
Nowlan, Alden
1984 |
Irwin Publishing
Wild Things Live There: The Best of Northern Frights |
2001 |
Mosaic Press
Wild Cotton |
Pereira, Helen.
1994 |
Creative Book Publishing
Wild Apples: Field Notes from a River Farm. |
Curtis, Wayne.
2006 |
Goose Lane Editions
Wild and Wonderful by the Valley Talespinners |
1994 |
Valley Talespinners
Why Do You Live So Far Away? |
Levine, Norman
1984 |
Whistling Past the Graveyard |
Sellers, Peter.
1999 |
Mosaic Press
Where Dreams Have Gone |
Harrs, Norma.
1997 |
Dundurn Press
When X Equals Marylou |
Dobozy, Tamas.
2002 |
Arsenal Pulp Press
When Women Rule: Stories |
Clarke, Austin
1985 |
McClelland & Stewart