German Perspectives on the Defence of Europe: An Analysis of Alternative Approaches to NATO Strategy |
Sperling, Goetz
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Centre for International Relations, Queen's University
NORAD: A New Look |
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Centre for International Relations, Queen's University
Hurry Up and Wait: An Inside Look at Life as a Canadian Military Wife |
Collier, Dianne.
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Creative Bound Inc.
The Land of Lost Content: A History of CUSO |
Smillie, Ian
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Not Much Glory: Quelling the F.L.Q. |
Loomis, Dan G.
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Deneau Publishers
Envoys Extraordinary: Women of the Canadian Foreign Service |
Weiers, Margaret K.
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Dundurn Press
In the Name of Progress: The Underside of Foreign Aid |
Adams, Patricia, and Lawrence Solomon
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Energy Probe Research Foundation
Shrinking the State: Globalization and Public Administration "Reform" |
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Fernwood Publishing
The Rest of the Story: According to Boyle |
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General Store Publishing House
How Effective Are Peace Movements? |
Overy, Bob
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Harvest House
Pay Equity: Legislative Framework and Cases |
Arrowsmith, David
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Industrial Relations Centre, Queen's University
Employment Equity: Issues, Approaches and Public Policy Framework |
Coates, Mary Lou
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Industrial Relations Centre, Queen's University
Job Evaluation Systems: Concepts and Issues |
Kaufman, Lorna
1986 |
Industrial Relations Centre, Queen's University
Narrowing the Gender Wage Gap: Is Equal Value Legislation the Answer? |
Shamie, Stephen
1986 |
Industrial Relations Centre, Queen's University
Report on Job Evaluation Systems in the Ontario Public Sector |
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Industrial Relations Centre, Queen's University
Diplomatic Missions: The Ambassador in Canadian Foreign Policy |
1998 |
Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
Diplomatic Missions: The Ambassador in Canadian Foreign Policy |
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Institute of Intergovernmental Relations
Value for Many: The Institute of Public Administration of Canada, 1947-1997 |
Wilson, V. Seymour.
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Institute of Public Administration of Canada
Government Restructuring and Career Public Services |
2000 |
Institute of Public Administration of Canada
Managing Publicly |
Bourgault, Jacques, and Henry Mintzberg.
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Institute of Public Administration of Canada
The New Public Organization |
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Institute of Public Administration of Canada
Managing Canada's North: Challenges and Opportunities: 16th National Seminar |
1984 |
Institute of Public Administration of Canada
The Effects of Transition to Confederation on Public Administration in Newfoundland |
Channing, J.G.
1982 |
Institute of Public Administration of Canada
Governing under Pressure: The Special Interest Groups: 14th National Seminar |
1982 |
Institute of Public Administration of Canada
Local Development: Some Policy Directions |
Coffey, William J., and Mario Polese
1982 |
Institute of Public Affairs, Dalhousie University