Canada in the World: Choosing a Role |
Campbell, Allan, and Derald Fretts
1985 |
Weigl Educational Publishers
Canada and the Arab World: Tareq Y. Ismael |
1985 |
The University of Alberta Press
Canada's Strategies for the Pacific Rim: Brian MacDonald |
1985 |
Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies
Regional Identity: A Maritime Quest |
Hamilton, William B.
1985 |
Centre for Canadian Studies, Mount Allison University
High Tech and the High Seas: Brian MacDonald |
1985 |
Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies
Not Much Glory: Quelling the F.L.Q. |
Loomis, Dan G.
1985 |
Deneau Publishers
Northern Provinces: A Mistaken Goal |
Robertson, Gordon
1985 |
The Institute for Research on Public Policy
Misguided Missiles: Canada, the Cruise and Star Wars |
Rosenblum, Simon
1985 |
James Lorimer & Co.
The Land of Lost Content: A History of CUSO |
Smillie, Ian
1985 |
Pay Equity: Legislative Framework and Cases |
Arrowsmith, David
1986 |
Industrial Relations Centre, Queen's University
Employment Equity: Issues, Approaches and Public Policy Framework |
Coates, Mary Lou
1986 |
Industrial Relations Centre, Queen's University
Job Evaluation Systems: Concepts and Issues |
Kaufman, Lorna
1986 |
Industrial Relations Centre, Queen's University
Narrowing the Gender Wage Gap: Is Equal Value Legislation the Answer? |
Shamie, Stephen
1986 |
Industrial Relations Centre, Queen's University
Report on Job Evaluation Systems in the Ontario Public Sector |
1986 |
Industrial Relations Centre, Queen's University
Canada, the Caribbean, and Central America |
1986 |
The Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies
On Real Wage Unemployment |
Daly, D.J., and Donald C. McCharles
1986 |
The Fraser Institute
The Great Escape?: An Examination of North-South Tourism |
English, E. Philip
1986 |
The North-South Institute
Implosion: An Analysis of the Growth of the Federal Public Service in Canada (1945-1985) |
Morgan, Nicole
1986 |
The Institute for Research on Public Policy
Arms Canada: The Deadly Business of Military Exports |
Regehr, Ernie
1986 |
James Lorimer & Co.
The Coming of World War Three, Volume 1: From Protest to Resistance/The International War System |
Roussopoulos, Dimitrios I.
1986 |
Black Rose Books
The Rainbow Warrior Affair |
Shears, Richard, and Isobelle Gidley
1986 |
The Social Policy Process in Canada |
1986 |
The Institute for Research on Public Policy
Business-Government Relations in Canada |
Stanbury, W.T.
1986 |
Methuen Publications
Strategy and the Arctic |
1986 |
Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies
Terror |
1986 |
Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies