Baltimore's Mansion |
Johnston, Wayne.
1999 |
Alfred A. Knopf Canada
Into the Looking-Glass Wood |
Manguel, Alberto.
1998 |
Alfred A. Knopf Canada
Headed for the Blues: A Memoir with Ten Stories |
Skvorecky, Josef.
1997 |
Alfred A. Knopf Canada
More Writers and Company |
Wachtel, Eleanor.
1996 |
Alfred A. Knopf Canada
This Year in Jerusalem |
Richler, Mordecai.
1994 |
Alfred A. Knopf Canada
Shakespeare's Face |
Nolen, Stephanie.
2002 |
Alfred A. Knopf Canada
Uncommon Ground |
2002 |
Alfred A. Knopf Canada
Character Parts: Who's Really Who in CanLit |
Busby, Brian.
2003 |
Alfred A. Knopf Canada
Hot and Bothered |
1998 |
Arsenal Pulp Press
Out of This World: The Natural History of Milton Acorn |
Gudgeon, Chris.
1996 |
Arsenal Pulp Press
Northern Love: An Exploration of Canadian Masculinity. |
Nonnekes, Paul.
2008 |
AU Press
Shades of Sherlock |
Campbell, Patrick J.
1997 |
Battered Silicon Dispatch Box
Lasting Impressions: The 25th Anniversary of the Bootmakers of Toronto |
1997 |
Battered Silicon Dispatch Box
Better to Have Loved: The Life of Judith Merril |
Merril, Judith, and Emily Pohl-Weary.
2002 |
Between the Lines
Little Eurekas: A Decade's Thoughts on Poetry. |
Sarah, Robyn.
2007 |
Contemporary Issues in Canadian Drama |
1995 |
Blizzard Publishing
Acts of Brief Authority: A Critical Assessment of Selected Twentieth-Century Newfoundland Novels |
Strong, Joan.
1994 |
Breakwater Books
Literary Pluralities |
1998 |
Broadview Press
New Contexts of Canadian Criticism |
1997 |
Broadview Press
Folk and Fairy Tales. 2nd ed. |
1996 |
Broadview Press
Mansfield Park |
Austen, Jane.
2001 |
Broadview Press
Sense and Sensibility |
Austen, Jane.
2001 |
Broadview Press
Northanger Abbey. 2nd ed. |
Austen, Jane.
2002 |
Broadview Press
My Mother's Voice: Children, Literature, and the Holocaust |
Kertzer, Adrienne.
2002 |
Broadview Press
Anne of Green Gables |
2004 |
Broadview Press